Panama Short story/poem | Teen Ink

Panama Short story/poem

December 14, 2020
By Anonymous

Today I woke up into a chilly crisp dawn in our war tent. The year is 1989, and the date December 27th a week after my shipment. My visit to the beach would’ve been a tad more enjoyable if I were with you and not at war in Panama. The base has a tense resonanace that seemes to have squimmed its way into every single soldier here. Being right on the coast and in war the terrain was quite ruggid requiring a lot from all of us consideraing the equipment we carried. More luckily my buddy and I were posted in the northeastern watchtower from the hours 06:00 to 20:00. So basically we for the most part had it easy. But the ease did not prove to last. The frontline numbers dwindled day by day so more and more of us are being  sent up.

Today is January 4th, I’m being sent to the front lines tomorrow morning . I don’t know that what I’m feeling is fear, or something else. All I knew is I didn’t want to be here. So far I know three people who have died, that's not to say all the bodies I’ve seen everywhere else. This war is meaningless, all I want is to be able to see you again. Hopefully this doesn’t  last much longer. But I’ll come home I swear, I will see you again. Tell everyone at home I said hello and I miss them. How are you doing? It’s been so long since I’ve heard your voice, I miss it. 

The sound of waves crash upon the shore

Bodies steadfast to the floor

Lead passing through the door

Fear filled to the core

This fateful decision 

Made with little precision

Gave me little time to see you once more

The way this war looks

Our brave numberes will be forgotten in books

And my faint memory will fade from you

A memento from me to you

It is January 21st. It has been some time since I have formally written to you my dear.

I feel my days are numbered and sure not to last. How much I regret not spending my last days growing old with you like promised. Having our family, owning our own home. I feel as though my life was thrown away and I was taken from you too soon. How I wish I was underneath the moon with you. I wish I could put more words in this letter from me to you, but unfortunately I now must go. I love you my dear.

The author's comments:

This is for school

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