Abloom // Halloween Creative Writing | Teen Ink

Abloom // Halloween Creative Writing

December 7, 2020
By Anonymous

The darkness of Halloween night slowly faded as it was overtaken by the morning light, which marked the start of the new month. I awoke from a peaceful slumber, after an exhausting day, feeling refreshed; almost like I was a brand-new person. I slowly sat up and stretched my arms overhead with a big yawn. As I walked over to my bathroom, I nearly tripped over my Halloween costume. A few of my friends and I dressed up as the seasons this year, and mine was spring. I was surprised that they chose this for me, since I felt nothing like spring inside, but they insisted it reflected me best. After the hustle and bustle of the night, I wanted nothing more than to collapse in my bed under my comfortable sheets, so I didn’t bother bringing the costume to my hamper. I gathered the tool skirt, finished off with various blossoms, the matching shirt and leggings, and the beautiful flower crown that made the whole outfit flow together, then placed them where they belonged. With a smile, I decided to hang my flower crown on one of my bare walls, which I had never gotten the chance to decorate since moving a few months back. I found it hard to express who I was, and I was glad my new friends were helping me, even if we weren’t the closest yet. I shook myself from my wistful thoughts and hurried to get ready for school. 
A lovely smell of freshly bloomed flowers and fields greeted me as I opened the bulky double doors to my school. I inhaled slowly, taking in the wonderful aroma. Halloween decorations lingered throughout the building. They kept the eerie, dark atmosphere from the night before alive, which seemed to have gotten to all of the students as well. I smiled and waved to people as I walked through the halls, feeling overwhelmed with joy that I wanted to share with everyone around me. Just before I reached the stairwell, I heard my name being called through the crowd.  
“Rue! Wait up!” Erin weaved her way over to where I stood waving at her. “Hey! Last night was so fun!”, she beamed as we started climbing step by step to the second floor.  
“It really was,” I responded brightly. “Thank you so much for inviting me to come along with you and the other girls.” I went to tuck the wild wavy hairs that swayed in front of my eyes behind my ears. Once my hand fell back on the stack of books in my arms, I saw something appear out of the corner of my eye.  
“Yeah, of course Rue!” Erin looked over at me and was about to start talking when she seemed to notice something and her words shifted. “Aww, cute flower! I love how you’re incorporating your costume into your outfit,” she complimented me as she ran her fingers across the petals. “I just knew it was the right season for you. Oh,” she paused and took an emphasized breath, “and you smell so good, too,” she added.  
I giggled nervously. “Thanks.” I hoped my confusion hadn’t been too obvious. What was happening? I knew I didn’t put that there before leaving for school, and I didn’t own anything scented like the smell trailing behind me.  
In first period I sat in a daze, trying my best to focus, but continued to let my wonder overtake my thoughts. All of a sudden, the window burst open and a gust of wind carried a flutter of butterflies into the classroom, surrounding everyone in what seemed like a fairytale. Their little legs and antennae tickled my skin, and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was the first time in a while that I had genuinely laughed. A warm ray of sun shone upon me and all at once the butterflies gathered formed a wall behind me. I closed my eyes. All of the hurt I’d held inside for so long felt like it was melting away in the warmth of the sun. I opened them. Every eye in the room fixed its gaze on me and seemed to be asking, “Am I dreaming?”. All that was audible in this moment was the faint ticking of the clock hanging on the wall. Even though that ticking was proof of time passing, everything felt as if it was standing still. The ring of the bell startled everyone out of their shock and the butterflies followed the ray of sunshine out of the window. Once each little insect emptied the classroom, the window slowly shut and clouds glazed over the bright sun. Confused looks were plastered upon every student’s face. The teacher tried to gather the chaos and finish explaining the assignments we had to complete, but nobody seemed to be able to give her their full attention. I suddenly felt embarrassed without the butterflies behind me and hurried out the door to my next class before anyone asked me questions.  
Soon it was lunch time, and without being able to find any of my friends, I decided to sit outside and enjoy the nice weather. A gentle breeze, falling leaves, and a special tint in the air embraced me as I exited the school building. I took a look at the sky. The clouds had receded and the sun was brightly shining. I felt a weird sensation beneath my feet as I strolled towards the picnic tables. So, I looked down to see various plants and flowers growing out of the ground with each step I took. I froze and glanced behind me at the long path of greenery in the middle of the browning, bare ground that I had caused to appear. My eyes then scanned the area around, searching to see if anyone was looking my way. Luckily not many people were outside, so I quickly ran to the nearest picnic table and sat down. Once again laughter bubbled up within me. I picked a flower from where my feet rested beneath the picnic table and twirled it between my fingers as I basked in the whirlwind of events the day had held so far. With every bizarre thing that took place, though, I felt more and more like myself. I was discovering who I was underneath of all of the hurt I’d experienced in my life. 
On the way to my next period, I gathered a bouquet of flowers that had bloomed everywhere I stepped in the midst of the empty field. I decided to pass them out to random people I came across through the halls. Nobody expected such a simple yet meaningful gesture, and the smiles that stretched upon each person’s face added more and more joy to my soul. 
By the end of the day, I felt fulfilled in all areas of my life. I had learned and grown so much in just one day. How all of it happened I wasn’t exactly sure, but I didn’t need an explanation. I was content that night, lying in my bed, looking at the flower crown hanging upon my wall. Finally knowing who I was, and who I wanted to be in the vast world. The old, filthy dirt inside of me was cared for with tender and loving hands, and sown into it were seeds that I couldn’t wait to see grow. My story was unfolding with each flower petal and leaf. 

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