Christmas Morning | Teen Ink

Christmas Morning

December 2, 2020
By BethanyO BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
BethanyO BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

       The excited squealing of my younger siblings accompany the amused, low tones of my parents. THe soft fabric of the blanket warms my skin, while the heat from the mug filled to the brim with rich hot chocolate melts into my fingertips. There is a lively, jingly tune floating through the house which is soon combined with the crackling and tearing of wrapping paper. A hiss comes from my left, which is casually replaced by a faint popping sound. From tht sound emits a flickering warmth of a fire. The hot chocolate in my hands is rich and smooth, with soggy, half-melted marshmellows tasting sweet and nostalgic. The taste of peppermint faintly tingles on my tongue, much like the tingling prick of the pine needles on the Christmas tree. The green, crisp scent of the pine tree floods my nostrils as my fingertips brush the smooth wrapping paper of a present. The bow is silky, soft to the touch. Mirthful giggling and joyful songs cover the silent brush of snow against a window. Through the excessive "thank you's" and tight hugs, the tinkling sound of sleigh bells saturate the home with fond memories. 

The author's comments:

This peice is about letting yourself get lost in the little happy moments in life. 

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