LeBron's Upbringing | Teen Ink

LeBron's Upbringing

November 25, 2020
By Anonymous

LeBron used his basketball talent to rise from the dark depths of Cleveland Ohio and has now become a household name. Throughout his youth LeBron was known as a rebellious juvenile who caused havoc all over the city. Whenever there was talk of local property being damaged or recent cases of robbery, LeBron’s name was always the first to come up. By age 13 all of his bad karma caught up to him and he was sentenced to 12 months in a correctional facility. While imprisoned LeBron had very little to do. He decided to play basketball with the other inmates in his free time. As his level of skill increased, so did his enjoyment of the sport. After being released LeBron continued to work on his skills. He was determined to use basketball as a way to better his life. He eventually joined his high school’s basketball team and dominated his competition. He broke many school records and raised a lot of awareness of his basketball talent. He was so talented that he was drafted out of high school and excelled throughout his career in the NBA.

The author's comments:

This piece is a flash fiction story of how LeBron became a basketball superstar. 

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