The Freezing Point | Teen Ink

The Freezing Point

November 23, 2020
By HaleighDahl BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
HaleighDahl BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The doctors in the lab have been working on the second stage of Cryonics. The scientists of the world know how to freeze dead people but the challenge is to defrost them alive. As a lab tech, I participate in the minor procedures. I go to work, do some labs, run some blood, nothing revolutionary. When I accepted the job at the black site lab, I expected to be doing something amazing. I am a middle aged man with no one in his life, who wants more than anything to be a part of something important, to be remembered. I decided that today was the day that I would give my two weeks notice so that I could move on to something I actually wanted to do with my life. I walk into the building and head straight to my bosses office. She looks tired as hell. The bags under her eyes aged her ten years. I slowly walk towards her and, like I had practiced in the mirror, give her my letter of resignation. 

"I appreciate all the time that I have worked here but I think it's time for something new." I say as she takes the letter and opens it. 

She reads the letter quickly then puts it down on her desk. 

"I agree," She says. "But before you go, I have a proposition." 

"Yes, what is it?" 

"We need a live body for the experiment, and I think it might have to be you."

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for a creative writing class at my highschool. I was instructed to look for a picture that would inspire me to write a flash fiction piece. I googled so many topics until I found a picture of a man with blue wires attached to his head with a completely white background which inspired my to write this piece. 

I hope that people get a sense of suprise and mystery when they read this piece. I want the reader to fill in the rest of the story after the twist ending. I hope that this piece will challenge the readers creativity and imagination after reading it. 

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