Mom’s Birthday | Teen Ink

Mom’s Birthday

November 22, 2020
By Anonymous

Once upon a time a family of 4 members. Yash, his wife Madhu, his son Naman,and his daughter Siya. On 17th January it’s Madhu’s birthday and She wants that all remembered her birthday.

Day starts

Madhu:Happy Birthday To Me😇

Yash sleeping😴😴

Madhu:Wake up

Yash:What Happened? Why are you disturbing me

Madhu:He will not wakeup

Madhu:Naman had waked up.

Madhu goes to Naman

Madhu:Good morning

Naman:Good morning

Madhu:Have you forgotten something?

Naman:Yes, I forgot to eat chocolate today😅

Madhu:Today is which day?


Madhu:And which date

Naman:I don’t know date but this is the month of January.

Madhu:What comes on month of January?

Naman:I don’t know😕

Madhu:Today is 17th January. What comes on 17th January?

Naman:What comes?

Madhu:You forgot?

Naman:Why are you asking riddle? You give me milk.

Madhu goes to kitchen and then Naman goes to his mother

Naman:Happy Birthday Mother

Madhu:Thank you my son. You remembered


Madhu:Ok. I think all forgot my birthday. No one has wished me

Naman:All are sleeping that’s why no one have wished you

Madhu:Thank God Naman have wished me let’s see yash and siya remembered or not.

Siya wakes up

Siya:Why are you eating chocolate in morning?🍫

Naman:Will you also eat?😜😜

Siya:Not now

Naman:If you also want chocolate so, wish mother. She will give you☺🍫

Siya:Is today mother’s birthday


Siya:Thank you for telling me. I have forgot

Siya goes in kitchen and hugs mother

Siya:Happy Birthday Mother

Madhu:Thank you daughter

Naman goes in kitchen

Naman:Mother my sister have forgot your birthday. I tell her. She is comed here for taking chocolate from you.🍫🍫

Siya:No, No mother I know till yesterday’s night but now I forgota

Madhu:Ok Ok I am happy because you two remembered. But now there is the main problem that Yash remembered or not. If he forgot then I will punch him

Siya and Naman goes to his father

Siya and Naman:Wake up fast

Yash:What happened

Siya and Naman:Wake up fast. Today is a very big Festival.

Yash:Is today holi or diwali

Siya and Naman:No, today is a very important festival.

Yash:Which festival is today

Siya and Naman:Mother’s Birthday

Yash:Oh, ok go

Siya and Naman goes

Madhu comes to Yash

Madhu:Wake up

Yash:Happy Birthday

Madhu:I have seen everything

Yash:What you have seen

Madhu:All that you have forgot that today is my Birthday and Siya and Naman have telled you.

Yash:I have know today is your birthday

Madhu:So, give my Birthday gift if you rembered.

Yash:I forgot your gift in office.

Madhu:So, go and take my Birthday gift🎁

Yash:ok, I will take it

Madhu:Ok, so tell today is which date

Yash:Ok, today is 18th

Madhu started crying

Siya comes to Madhu and Yash

Siya:Today is 17th

Yash:yes, yes 17 matlab danger 17th february

Siya:Not february January

Yash:Yes 17th January

Madhu closes gate and punches Yash😱😱😭

Yash comes out and went office

After some time, siya goes to Madhu

Siya:This is gift for you😄🎁

Madhu:Thank you son. What is this Cauliflower?😤😤

Naman goes to madhu

Naman:This is your gift, it is very precious.😄😅🎁

Madhu:What is this, Onion?😤😤

After some time Yash comes and give gift to madhu

Madhu:What is this, Pumpkin?😤😤😤

After some time, Madhu started cooking dinner, when she opened the cooker, she shocked that there's a diamond ring.

Madhu:What is this?
Yash:Your birthday gift.

Madhu:Thank you😊😄😊😆

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