Toby | Teen Ink


May 8, 2019
By Anonymous

There was once a cow named Toby. The farmer’s daughter named all of the cows, but Toby was her favorite. Jenny spent every day with Toby and was even there when Toby’s mom gave birth. One day, The farmer loaded all of the cows into a massive truck, every single one of them. Of course the cows were confused, especially Toby. He didn’t know why they were leaving the farm or where they were going. Once the truck started to move the cows began to moo. It was so loud and annoying that the farmer turned his music as loud as it could go and even started to sing to tune out the cows. The farmer couldn’t hear them anymore but he sure could smell them. He usually didn’t mind the smell on the farm because they were rarely all together in the same space but whew, when they were it was a horrid smell. The farmer did feel sympathy for the cows, but he knew all along what had to be done. The farmer was taking the cows to the slaughter house, the sole reason he hadn’t transported them more promptly was because his daughter grew attached. He never thought she would name them all let alone remember who was who, but she did. The drive was rather long, but he was running low on funds and had already kept the cows too long. After an hour or two, they had arrived at the slaughterhouse. If Jenny knew where he was she would smack him in the back of the head and demand that he return the cows home. However, Jenny didn’t know. She was at school and wouldn’t know until she got home. The farmer gradually began unloading the cows and ushering them into their last corral. He went inside and spoke to the owner and made a deal with him for the cows. As he was making a deal with the man, Toby had comprehended what was happening, he would never see Jenny again. He began to go around the corral asking if anyone had ever made it out of a slaughterhouse alive. Every cow said the same thing; no one had ever made it out in one piece. Toby was disturbed and knew he had to save himself and his friends. He started to come up with a plan but knew he would need some help. He went to the oldest and wisest cow of them all and then to the youngest most mischievous cow of them all. Together all three of them devised a foolproof plan to escape the slaughterhouse and get back home. Their plan was that the oldest cow pretends to die, and the youngest cow causes a huge ruckus to direct the attention to the ‘dying’ cow and away from Toby so he and a few others can kick the fence posts out of the ground and run free. The plan had begun, the oldest cow fell to the ground and the youngest started to moo as loud as he possibly could. Toby and the others kicked as hard as the could and the posts popped out. All of the cows began pouring out of the hole in the corral, Toby leading the way. He couldn’t wait to see Jenny.

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