Dragon Blade | Teen Ink

Dragon Blade

March 1, 2019
By calleighgray7 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
calleighgray7 BRONZE, Elizabethtown, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Another sunny and bright day like always. And everyone else has either a good day or bad day. But not me. Every day is the same miserable hell. I think the world hates me and my family. My father always having to look for different jobs every day because of our town hating us. And my mother trying to keep me fed and safe from the townspeople. My Mother tells me all of the townspeople are too closed-minded to accept us.

   I walk into school already getting looks from everyone. I see Arwen and her group already walking over to me. “ Can’t believe they let rats into our school.” Arwen laughs with her group at her wonderful insult. I walk away just like always. I wish I could say something but I can’t. What they did last time I said something…

   I sit down in my first class of the day ready for the day to be over. “ I think it's one of your classmates birthdays today.” Mrs. Reverie announces towards me. Was it my birthday? I looked over at the date on the board. Oh, my Elder, it was my birthday! Wow, what a terrible day it’ll be now. I bet I’ll be even more tortured today than any other day.

  They all sing happy birthday. I don’t know why they would all sing happy birthday to me. None of them are my friends. They don’t even care about me when Arwen bullies me, they all stare at me. “So has your familiar appeared yet?”

 “ Um, no, not yet,” I tell her honestly since she's really the only person I trust. She gives me a reassuring smile. “I’m sure it will appear later today don’t worry.” she says walking away from my desk. I haven't even thought about my familiar. I mean I forgot my own birthday. How old am I even turning? Oh, I remember now I’m turning 15. I guess time flies when no one cares about you.

    The school day ends and it begins to rain. Perfect for my birthday. I try to avoid Arwen as much as possible going home. But that never works. I pray to the Elders hoping they would hear my prayers. “ Look at the rat running I wonder why.” She said smiling with a malicious look in her eyes. She slaps my bag out of my hands. “ What a pity we have to share a school with a rat.” She finishes saying this and pushes me into the mud, kicks me in the stomach with her friends. Yup, the best birthday yet. They finally leave. Thank the Elders. I wipe away the tears from my face and pick up my backpack running home.

    “How was your day at school?”


   “I’m sorry,hunny,” Mom says looking at me sincerely. I go to my room trying to see if I can awake my familiar anyway I could. My mom walks past my room saying “ don’t go to sleep Odessa, we have to meet up with your dad in town in a bit.” I groan wanting to go to sleep and leave from this world.

   We walk into town with our hoods up and cloaks covering us. I always like going into town and looking at the shops because the outside of it looks so colorful and perfect. I look at the shop dad was working at and see my dad boss Mr.Lynch. Mr. Lynch and along with a few town people are the only ones who don’t hate my family.

     “Hey there, Mrs.Diamond, how have you been today?”

    “Oh, not too bad today since its Odessa’s birthday.” Mom smiles.

  “Wow, happy birthday little one how old are you turning?”


  “ Well have a happy birthday and pick up a little bread or cake from the back before you leave.” he finishes with a wink. He such a nice guy always trying to give us as much as he could. We walk in and see my dad coming out with his last batch of bread coming out of the oven. I see a couple of people in the bakery but hopefully, they’ll leave soon.

 “Hey, dad!” I said excited.

 “Hey, little dove.” My dad said coming over hugging my mom and me. I went over to the new batch of bread, grab one and put it in a bag to take home.

“Did you ask Mr.--”

“-Yup don’t worry about it.” Mr. Lynch says waving his hand off and brings his chair in. I walk over to the window looking out while my parents talk to Mr.Lynch. Ring ring, the bell rings at the door.  

  “I can’t believe they let rats in here.” I turned around hearing Arwen's wretched voice. I swear she always near whenever I’m finally in a good mood. I move as fast trying to get in view of my parents. She tripped me, I fell and smashed my bread. Now I’m feeling really angry that she smashed my bread.

 “ Why can’t you just let me be.” I say trying not to put so much spite into my words. She now standing over top of me with a crooked looking smile. I didn’t want to cry but she scared me more than anything at this moment. Tears fall down frightened for my life. What she might do to me.

 “ You and your whole family are pathetic losers who will never be anything. You and your family are just a waste and should die.” She finishes saying this I more angrier than any moment in my life push her to the ground and felt a wave of heat and what looked like some type flames flaring all over Arwen. She freaks out and leaves the shop, then my parents run over to where I was standing. I’m fine with people talking about me, but my family is off limits.

“Oh my Elder, did, did you just summon your familiar?” Mom asked frighten. Dad look at mom and mom looked at dad like they both knew what to do next.

“Come on Odessa.” dad said with a stone look on his face grabbing my shoulder and heading to the door. I’m quite confused about what just happen. What do you mean confused? You summoned me. I looked around to what was talking and didn’t see anything. I think I’m going crazy. You're not going crazy. I’m your familiar. My name is Blaze. What are you? Did you really just ask that. Did you not see me. No,... not really. Well, I’m a dragon. A dragon. I can’t believe that. I’ve never even heard of a dragon familiar.

 We continue to walk as fast as we could to get home for some reason. Why are we rushing to get home? Weren’t they proud of my familiar? We are pretty rare creatures to have has familiars and dangerous. We finally get home. We walk inside and my parents both look out at the doors and locked everything. Then Blaze appeared next to me. I looked at his scales the shining red and orange were so beautiful.

 “Aren't dragons supposed to be bigger?”

“Odessa!” mom yelled at me.

“ Yes, but if I was in my real size this whole house and everything around it would be damaged or broken.” Blaze explain this and went over to the kitchen (to what I'm guessing) to find food.

 I finally look over at mom and dad who both had their eyes closed. I wave my hand in front of them and say “ Hey what are you both doing.” I get no answer. Then suddenly I see two more dragons come out of nowhere. One was Gold and the other was a sliver. They both looked breathtaking.  

      “Oh. My. Elder.” my mouth drops saying. They summon their familiars. Now I know why mines a dragon.

 “We can both explain.” Mom says holding dads hand. Their dragon goes over to blaze along with my gaze. “ The gold one is mine his name is Pryde.” Dad tells me. “And the other her name is Fierca.” Mom also says.

 “Long ago there was the Four Elders-”

“- Dad I know the story of the Elders?” I say quite confused about where he was going to go about it.

“If you’d let me finish you will understand.” Dad said with a cold face. “There were Four very powerful Elders in the old times when kingdoms were corrupted and chaos was daily. With their familiars together fight to save this world. What people don’t know is their from the dragon kind. One of the most high ranking familiars out here. Lots of people were scared of the dragon kind and tried to abolish all of them, until the Elders stepped in. They split the kingdoms and make the future safe for everyone and the chaos calmed down, until now.” He finnish saying this and sighed. He then continued “ if you killed a dragon kind you take in that familiars power and add it to your own. And that is why it is dangerous to be one of us Odessa.” He says this and looks at me close to tears. He never calls me Odessa unless he’s serious.

  “Here have this,little one.” Dads familiar Pryd says walking over to me with a weird shape blade in his mouth. He drops it into my hands. I hold it up the candles in the room to get a better look. It had a red tint on it and the handle ,of course was a dragon.

 “Use this whenever your in combat,little one.”  Fierca tells me.

“ We need to pack up and head home.”

  “ In the morning?”

  “Yes.” Mom tells dad.

I felt like it was my fault that we have to be on the run now. Well I can’t complain I hate this town anyway and I’m sure my parents do to. I mean Mr.Lynch and Mrs.Reverie were always nice and helpful to us. I’d feel bad just leaving them. I go to my room and try to get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.

  Crash,Bang. Me and Blaze instantly wake up. I grabbed my blade and blaze flares up. We walk into the living room and see my parents fighting the king's guards.

“ODESSA LEAVE, RUN, GET OUT OF HERE!” Dad yells at me and throws a map at me.

 “But-t I can-”

  “Leave little dove we will be fine.” Dad smiles at me saying with his sword throwing the guard off of his feet. I see mom and look at her. She smiles at me too.

 “ I love you both!” I run out saying. Its was now me and Blaze. Where was I supposed to go? Will I know one thing for sure I’m going to get my parents back.

  “ Get on.” Blaze open his wings and I hoped right on his back. He flew all night. I felt bad he had to carry me. Why would you feel bad? This doesn’t hurt me its ok. For now just sleep and will talk tomorrow. I think I’m going to take you up on that.

  I wake up and we were above the clouds. It’s so beautiful up here. Are you feeling better?  Yes I feel a little better. I think I see a town in the distance, should we go there? Yeah while were there hopefully someone will be nice enough to point us to the castle. Maybe.

  We land into the town and Blaze beings to walk beside me. “Can you change or not walk with me into town. I mean like, um, I don’t want people to,um you know see you.” I try my best to not hurt his feelings or make him angry of why he can’t walk right into the village like that. He thinks for a moment and shifts his form. “ Is this better.”  He gave a smirk as he said this. He looked human. His hair was a firered and his teeth were still sharp. I throw my cloak at him to cover up everything. “Lets go.”

  We walk into town together. I look at all of the colorful shops.

       “ I think we need to find some clothes first before going anywhere.” I say with my eyes still locked on the stores. He nodded and we head into the dark purple shop. I look at all the clothing I wish we were here to buy. I lower my voice to a whisper towards blaze’s head  “Hey I have a question.”

  “Go on”

 “How can you do turn human?”

   “Do you know anything about dragons?” he told me quite rudely. I ignore the question and help him find some clothes.

  “ ‘ello little lady.” A guys says walking towards me. He had a boyish smile and he was wearing dazzling clothes. He sticks his hand out to me “My name is Hollow Forest” He says trying to be smooth. I shake his hand.

 “Alright we need to stop the flirting and find some clothes” Blaze interrupts looking agitated. “ Ah, yes, of course sorry I shouldn’t have been staring at your sister, I apologized.” Hollow dismisses quickly. Me and Blaze look at each other and went with it.

 “ So what brings a beauty like you to this town.” Hollow tells me walking with us.

    “ Well I guess I’m a quest.”

 “ Ooh, what type of quest. LIke, a knight going to fight dragons and villains.”

Me and Blaze looked at each other and laughed “I guess you can say that.” Blaze went and dressed into the clothes, me and Hollow picked out. He walks out with a nice fitting red tunic and fighting leggings with boots.

 “Wow!” Hollow said out loud.  

“And how much is that?” I say as I began to pull out my bag.

 “Oh, no, no, I just want to join your little quest for payment.”

 “What about your shop?”

“ It’s not mine.” He finishes. I look at Blaze and he nods. “ You can come with us, but, don’t be shock If the castle guards come after us.” Blaze says opening the door for us.

Me, Blaze, and Hollow pack up some food and weapons. Hollow was nice enough to buy us all three horse’s. My horse was a black and white spotted, he is such a gorgeous horse.

   “So I’ve never got to ask both of your names.” Hollow says looking back at us.

     “Mine is Odessa and his name is Blaze.” I tell him and Blaze nods. We ride our horse all night and all the way into the next town. We stop at an inn (that is also a traven) and unsaddle our horses. We were all sleepy and at this point we fell asleep as soon as we got into the room. I wake up and don’t see Hollow or Blaze anywhere in the room. Oh Elder, I couldn’t imagine what that might be doing. I guess this quest has been pretty fun even ifs it’s just me and Blaze, I now also have some sort friendship with Hollow. I do dearly miss my mom and dad, I hope there alright. I clear my thoughts and walk now to the traven part of the inn. I see Blaze and Hollow having an arm-wrestling match and everyone was engaged. Both wouldn’t let each other go. I walk over to the match.

   “So what are you both doing?” I laugh at them. Hollow got distracted and Blaze slammed Hollow’s hand down. The crowd cheers and people with bets win and lose. Hollow jumps up and says “That wasn’t fair!” at Blaze. Blaze smirks and shrugs his shoulders coming towards me.

  “Are you ok with being in this form for a long time?” I asked him.

“Nah, it’s only a little bit of strength I use.” He says flexing his muscles at me. I laugh at him. I look at the bartender’s and see them working hard at there job. Me, Blaze, and Hollow grab a couple of rounds of drinks and I notice the bartenders watching me and Blaze intensely.

  “So why do you all keep looking at me and my friend over there.” I point at Blaze. The girl looks surprised and doesn’t know what to say. “ We just have heard about people with your description from the castle guards and didn’t know weather to tell them or not.” The guy tells me bluntly. I looked wide eyed at him. He just stands there arms cross waiting for an reaction.

  “Look here, I don’t want to cause trouble. We will leave peacefully. Were not criminals.” I try to convince them. The guy raises an eyebrow and smiles.

  “We’ve been looking for you Odessa.” The man says. How does this man know me?

   “Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself and my sister. My name is Leto Winton and my sister Evolet and we’re from the dragon race just like you.” As soon I heard the last bit, Blaze looked over at me and started to walk over.

 “Evolet! Close up the inn!” he yell at the small blonde girl. Everyone left except Me,Blaze,Leto,Hollow, and Evolet.

  “Okay guys I have no clue what is going on care to explain?” Hollow says raising up his hands.

 “I’m even more confused than you.” I state “ first how did you know me and find me?”

     “I’ll tell you.” Leto says with a stone face.

So we all have a talk about everything about ourselves.

 “Well I didn’t know there was others like me.” Hollow says interrupting. All of our familiars are dragons. Wow, it’s hard to believe that.

“ As everyone knows now we need to figure out a plan of getting into the castle and saving my parents.”  

 “Well do you know who your up against? Celestia Scarletwood.” The room went silent.

     “Who is that?” My small voice echoed in the room. Blaze now in his real form along with the others familiars all have this burning hate in there eyes for that name.

 “She is known as the dragon slayer, she is Prinla’s wizard and the only way to kill her is with the dragon blade.” Blaze finishes saying with spite in his voice.   

I pull the blade out of my bag in front of them. Everyone expect Hollow went wide-eyed.

  “Odessa how did you get the dragon blade!” Blaze said running towards it.

    “My dad’s familiar gave it to me?”

  “Pyde? He gave you his most prized blade?” Leto asked as if him and Pyde was best friends.   

     “Alright so we have the blade that's what we needed right?” Evolet finally said something finally.

   “Well, yes, but we need to find a way in.”

We all come up with a plan together. Go get some sleep you’ll need it tomorrow. Fine I guess. Me and Blaze head up to our room and went to sleep. I woke up earlier than everyone to go and get what I needed for the plan. I grab the bag of money and go to the shops.

   I walk into an armor shop looking for armor similar to the guards. I see things pretty similar.

      “How are you going to pay for all of that armor?” I hear a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around and see Hollow right behind me smiling. “What do you mean? I’ve got the bag of money they gave me?”

  “Oh your so funny with that armor looking almost identical to the guards armor is going to cost way more than that.” He says smirking at me.

I let him help pay. We both carry it back to the inn. Hollow helps saddle up our horse’s before the others wake.

  “All right let's get the inn and leave.” Leto said very chrippy.

   “How are you going to take the inn with yo-”

Leto had a ball like substance in his hand and the whole inn vanished into it. It looked amazing in that tiny ball. But we didn’t have time to stand in awe. We all get on horses and head towards the castle.


We finally arrive at the castle. I had very mixed feelings. I wanted to be here to get my mom and dad back, but I have such a bad feeling being here.

  “Remember we are here to fight together, your not alone Odessa.” Evolet says looking at me. I nod hoping those words would relax me.We let our horses free and walk into the castle. The guards to lazy too even look at our armor let us in right away. Evolet leads the way to Celestia’s. We make it there to her door. The halls looked beautiful but dangerous. Everyone’s familiar comes out just In case something bad happens. We make it to the doors. I was hesitant to open what danger lies ahead.

    I walk in and see her. She was at my house that night she took my parents. My rage was flaring out of control. She was Mrs. Reverie. I trusted her, I told her everything!

  “Hello Odessa it’s about time officially met.” She says turning to look at me with a sadistic smile at me.

  “How could you?” My voice somehow says without breaking.

 “It’s simple when you want something.” she shrugged like kidnapping and killing was no big deal.

    “I trusted you!” my voice shouting at this point.

 “Odessa, It simple you can give me your powers and familiar, I will let your parents go with you or you all can die together.” she laughing at me like this is the funniest thing in the world.

 “I’m sure your going die before me.” I say with the blade shaking in my hands and my vision going red with hatred.

She laughed at me with her dead eyes and her whole being is morphed into to a huge dragon destroying half of the castle. Odessa be careful. I will. I ran up to her side and try to stab at her anywhere. Her claw slashed at my friends. She cutted Leto arm. I run up her spine and stab her. She went to her atual form and went grabbing  towards the blade. I did the same and grabbed the blade from her back and stabbed her in the abdomen.

   “You may have won the battle but the war is yet to come.” She spits at me and vanished. I grab my blade from the ground dripping with blood. I walk over to Leto and Evolet and check them. Hollow ran into the room winded. He looks up with a frightful look in his eye.

  “I found them..” He says looking into my eyes. I knew who he found I grip my blade in my hand. “ They are in the room down the hall to first left door.” Hollow stands all the way up. I put my blade in my bag and run to that room.

  “Wait, Odessa!!” Hollow yelled trying to run at me. I run as fast not care what else he or anyone had to say. My tears finally fall feeling revealed that he found them. I get to the door and see the chains holding them up. I saw the blood dripping off them. They were dead.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my class.

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