The one they call Lonely | Teen Ink

The one they call Lonely

February 4, 2019
By Idakyyyy BRONZE, Long Beach, California
Idakyyyy BRONZE, Long Beach, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Something is only impossible because you believe it to be so

Ever since he was born, Lonely felt that he was a person with bad luck. He grew up in an orphanage, his mother had died giving birth to him and the father had been killed in a car accident when he rushed over to the hospital. Lonely’s time in the orphanage seemed as though it could get better with people he could call friend or possibly family, but instead the kids he knew were getting picked for adoption. They left him there all alone with one other kid he knew for a while but had never been able to talk to, Solitary. With no one to talk to or communicate with, Lonely’s heart was empty and deprived. At times, he would be so desperate as to sabotage kids into seeming like a bad people. He tried his hardest to make them stay, nothing worked. In due time, Lonely accepted his home of sweet isolation and the cold of his heart. The experience of not having people to talk to had made him bitter and malice. No matter how hard people tried, he wouldn’t ever want to affiliate with them on a strong emotional level in fear that he would be hurt once again.

The author's comments:

Michael is a US citizen who is motivated to create his own world within writing and computer design in the future. Except from his past of deprived interactions with technology and people, his time was spent trying to draw cartoons along with reading and attempting to write books. In his earlier home, his isolation from friends and limited interactions gave him a lot of time to draw with detail, write more effectively, and understand his as well as others human emotions better.

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