What's in a Name | Teen Ink

What's in a Name

December 20, 2018
By Rebecalanda BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
Rebecalanda BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In English, my name means “Servant of God”. In Spanish, it means to bind. It means energetic, it means joyful. It is like a vibrant color. A happy song. It is to many letters. It’s a common name.

It was a name from the bible and now it is mine. I got name Rebeca because my dad is really religious and he reads the bible a lot. He really liked the name Rebeca and when he found out it was in the bible he decided to name me Rebeca. I never really understood what my name means. I like my name even if I didn’t get it from someone who I’m related to.

All I ever understood was that Rebeca was a name from the bible. This is the name of the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob in the bible. I really like how my name connects to the bible. At first, I didn’t like my name because I thought there was no meaning behind it it was just a regular name, but now I notice that you Rebeca means more than I thought it did.

People would always call me is Becky, I never liked when people would call me Becky. Becky is a shorter way of saying Beca and I didn’t like it because I would always say that my name is Rebeca and not Beca. I would rather be named Kylie or my middle name to be Kylie. I have always like the name Kylie. Kylie means beautiful spirit.

The author's comments:

It's the meaning of the name Rebeca 

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