Sincerely... | Teen Ink


November 26, 2018
By papayamya SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
papayamya SILVER, Homewood, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Children do not care how much you know, <br /> Until they know how much you care.

To the guy at Chuck-E-Cheese who helped me navigate the tubes…

How’s it going, I thought about you the other day and wondered how you’ve been. You were really nice. I wonder if we were to ever cross paths again, would we realize, realize that our paths have made a maze back to each other. We can both hope for the best.

To the guy at Theatre Fest who I made eye contact with at least twice…

I also saw you at State and I just wanted to say, you're really cute. Your eyes like the ocean, forever reflecting sun rays into my heart. The eyes that I will never forget.

To the guy that my mom always invited to my birthday parties...

If we ever crossed paths, I probably wouldn’t recognize you, unless you were wearing that striped shirt. I hope you’re doing well.

To the guys that were my best friends…

I wonder where you are, and would love to chat again. Hey remember that one time I drew you that pumpkin? Pretty cool huh? The three musketeers, I now say, I wish we could go back in time, and enjoy our time at play.

Signed Your former best friend.

To the guy at College of Dupage…

Your accent was like a cough drop, the coolness of menthol surprisingly bringing back happiness into my day. How were those Blueberry bagels? I should have bought one.

To the little guy who called me his wife…

I’m sorry to say this, but I’m filing a divorce. Not for me, but for you. You need to enjoy life and live in the moment. Last tip, never where white shoes on Wednesday’s.

To the guy, in the “kids zone”...

You had really nice hair and I hope that you never cut it. Your skin warm to touch of Caramel creme. It was nice getting to know you for a couple of hours.

Advice: Become a hair model.

To the little guy dancing at McDonald’s…

You have no clue who I am, and haven’t seen me. But I saw you bust a move on the dance floor. You have some pretty sick moves, and you truly brightened my day. Be true to yourself always, no matter what.

To the dude who sat during my performance on his phone...

Karma's a B***h, and I bet you got the 6.


To the guy that brings butterflies to my stomach…

I get to see you everyday, but I never know what to say. I’ve never really understood the concept of love, but with you, maybe it’ll be everything I’ve ever dreamed of. See you tomorrow on the path.

To the people I’ve crossed along the way, you may not know it, but you’ve made me the person that I am today.


A girl in the shadows &

A jack of all trades.


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