Lost | Teen Ink


June 11, 2018
By Anonymous

One Saturday morning, my brother, Dominic, woke me up at around 8 am. He came in my room and asked me if I wanted to go drive to this party at 8 pm that he got invited to by these two girls named Alisha and Morena, I told him that I was down of course but then I asked him where it was at. It was in the middle of nowhere pretty much, just surrounded by trees and at that moment, I got a little sketched out wondering why it was a party in the middle of nowhere thrown by these two girls I don’t even know, but Dominic claimed it would be fine and we’ll be back home by 2 am, he also said it was in the middle of nowhere so the cops wouldn’t stop the party. I agreed to go with him because it was Saturday and I had no plans. When he gave me the keys to drive there, I couldn’t help but to think about how sketchy this actually was and when we finally got there, I saw about 5 cars parked but we arrived at 8:12 pm so I was thinking maybe no ones arrived yet. We got out of the car and walked over to this quiet but decent looking house and knocked on the door. It took a minute for someone to actually open the door and when they did, it was this innocent looking girl from the picture. I asked her “where is everybody?” She responded “oh don’t worry, they’re on their way.” She invited us inside and she told us to just have a seat on the couch while she went to the other room to change. When we sat down, 4 guys popped out of every corner of the room with masks on filled with blood and we looked at eachother terrified. One of the guys had a bat, the other had a switchblade, while the other two had machetes. Luckily for me and my brother, we waited for the perfect opportunity for them to turn around for a quick second and for us to tackle them and take their weapons. We threatened to call the cops while holding the machetes in our hand, we quickly ran for the door and we got in the car and left. We called the cops but they ended up leaving before the cops arrived. We just hope that no one else falls for the same trick as we did, I was just happy I went with my brother or who knows what would’ve happened. Don’t go to parties that you don’t know anything about.

The author's comments:

This writing is about two curious teens who wanted to go to a party invited by these two girls that seemed innocent, actually wanting to murder us.

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