An Unforgettable Birthday | Teen Ink

An Unforgettable Birthday

May 12, 2018
By Anonymous

On April 6, 2017, I experienced the most horrible birthday ever. The night before, I fell asleep listening to the song Despacito, by Luis Fonsi, Daddy Yankee, and Justin Bieber. I think that was the worst mistake I could have possibly made. The very next day, I woke up and  I could still hear the song in my head. I tried to forget about it and move on with my day, but that plan did not work out. Later on, I went to Taco Bell to enjoy a delicious quesadilla with a Mountain Dew freeze! During the time I was eating my food, the word DESPACITO flowed through my ear and once again the song was played. All I remember saying during these moments were ugh, why does it not stop! While I was sitting down, I came across a huge dilemma. I needed an outfit for my party later that night. I hurried and  rushed over to Lakeside Mall. I went into Forever 21,  and soon enough I found some outfits for me. I could not decide whether to wear a maxi dress or a shorter dress. I finally made my decision and I went to make the line. While I was being checked out, I hear the song Despacito again. I started to become very irate because I felt as though I was the only one hearing this song. So me being the mediocre person I am, went up to the cashier and asker her if she heard the song too. Monroe, the cashier, answered in an annoyed and mean matter and said no that I was crazy. The security guard came over because he thought we had started an altercation in front of everyone in the store. I told him there was nothing to worry about, but he still admonished us and told us if we did not keep it down I would be kicked out and Monroe would lose her job. She was finally done checking my items out, and we terminated our conversation on a positive note. I told her that I was sorry and that I hoped she would have better day tomorrow! After this experience, I always made sure I talked to people while they were in a good mood.

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