An Interesting Summer | Teen Ink

An Interesting Summer

May 11, 2018
By jbruno504 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
jbruno504 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was summer of 2006, and Me, my name is Heather, by the way, my friend Gina, and my friend Joseph were on a mission to make this the best summer yet. We kinda sorta almost got expelled, but I’ll tell that story later. Let’s just say… It was a summer I’ll never forget. It was the last day of school, nobody could sit still, and the day felt like it was never going to end. Once the final bell rang, everyone ran out of the building. That was the fastest I’ve ever see Luke, the lazy kid in my P.E class, run. Joseph, Gina, and I met by our school’s playground and then walked to Gina’s house because she lives right around the corner. We made a bucket list of things that we vowed we would complete by the end of summer. Here are some things that were on it: kiss a frog, try vegemite, go to the beach, have a diving contest, run through the sprinklers at my house, and most importantly… PULL THE MOST EPIC PRANK EVER.
Running through the sprinklers and having a diving contest was a piece of cake because my house has a pool and sprinklers. Going to the beach took a little bit more work because we had to convince our parents to take us on a road trip. After a lot of begging, crying, and gift giving, we finally convinced them. That beah day was one of the most fun days ever. We built sandcastles, buried Joseph in the sand, went boogie boarding, and body surfing. The beach trip alone could have satisfied me for the rest of the summer, but we vowed to finish the list and I don’t back down from a challenge. Trying Vegemite was not very hard either because It was only $5.00. Let me just say, NEVER TRY IT. It was the most disgusting taste i’ve ever had in my mouth. 0/10, would not recommend. Kissing a frog was a struggle, but we accomplished it in the end. Catching it was the hardest part and the fact that Gina is deathly afraid of frogs did not make it any easier. We had to get Joseph to run and catch the frog and we all kissed it quickly and then released it back to its happy home. Now let's get to the prank… this is where it all went downhill. We decided that we wanted to toilet paper someone’s house, we just didn’t know who yet. So we sat, thinking and thinking and finally Gina came up with the brilliant (or not-so brilliant) idea. She came up with the idea to toilet paper our principal, Mrs.Jenkin’s, house. I know it probably sounds stupid but it was a great idea in the moment. So we decided to go on our dangerous trip to the principal's house. When we arrived there was nobody home so we started our mission. We put so much toilet paper that we could not see the windows. We thought we were in the clear until we see a car pull into the driveway. We knew as soon as we saw the headlights that we were done. She stepped out of the car and yelled at us for so long that we almost went crazy. We thought we we were going to get expelled. Luckily she just told us that we could get in serious trouble and that we should never do it again. Well, that's enough for this summer see you (maybe) next summer.
Peace, Heather :)

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