The Hungry Flames | Teen Ink

The Hungry Flames

March 14, 2018
By akistenmacher BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
akistenmacher BRONZE, Holstein, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up to surroundings that I do not recognize. I don’t remember putting on these clothes, and the bed is definitely different than my own. I remember that I fell asleep to my favorite movie, though. I notice my body does not feel like my body. I’m taller, for sure, and I feel stronger. I decide it best to get up and check things out. The more I explore, the more I think to myself that this is not my house. It is run down with creaky, old, wooden floors. There are holes in the walls, letting in sunlight. I can’t find another person in the house, so I try outside. When I get outside, I decide that I am definitely not at my house. The surroundings look familiar, however, but I cannot place them. Down the street, I can see a town square, and some fairly newer houses down the street in the opposite direction. I wander around the outside of the house for awhile, until I find someone who looks strangely familiar. When I meet her, she greets me with a smile, and says something that I cannot believe.
“Good morning Katniss, breakfast is on the table. Today’s a big day for you,” she says, and I almost fall over.
Now, everything clicks together. I am in District 12, and this is Katniss’ younger sister, Primrose. This seems impossible to me. How did I end up in this movie? I ask my “sister” why and how I’m here while she occupies herself in the garden, but she does not give me an answer, just a very confused look. So, I try in the house again. There I find another woman working in the kitchen, who I assume to be my mother. I ask her for some clue as to how I got here, or why I’m here, but she looks at me like I and mentally insane and only says, “Don’t be stupid Katniss, go shoot something for lunch.” So, I grab the bow that sits in the corner, and head towards where I think the woods are, based on my knowledge from the movie.
Just as you would in the movie, I find Gale waiting for me on the outskirts of the forest.
“You’re late, Katnip,” he jokes with a smile.
I debate on whether to explain to him what is happening to me while we edge deeper into the forest. After awhile of walking and small conversation, I decide it best not to try and explain.  I think it would just puts loads of tension and confusion between us. I can tell that he is suspicious as to why I’m not “myself”. After using what I know to act like I know what I’m doing, suddenly we hear a very loud hum above us. We duck under the closest tree, and wait for the sound to reveal itself. When it passes above us, we see a large aircraft, with the Capitol’s logo very boldy pasted on the outside. It appears to land in the town square.
Gale says, “We’d better get you into town, it is your big day and all.”
I let this sink it, trying to make sense of the statement. Then it hits me, today is probably the day that the Capitol takes me to prepare for the Hunger Games.
When you reach town, Gale gives you a longer than normal hug, and gives some words of encouragement. I push myself through the crowd, because I know that I’m a tribute. I find my mother and sister, and even though I’m not really Katniss, I still feel a pang in the pit of my stomach, knowing that over the next three weeks, they will have to watch me kill people on a screen.
I board the plane with a boy I recognize to be Peeta, and someone who appears to be Haymitch, though he is too drunk to tell. Shortly after boarding, we take off and are soon in the heart of the Capital. We spend a night in our Tribute Apartments, with no one really noticing that I am not myself. Of course, I am not very acquainted with either of these people, so I did not expect them to. The next day, we go through training, where no one gave me any attention while I was competing. So, I gave them something to notice, but not quite in the same way as in the movie. Instead of skewering an apple two stories above me, I decided to skewer someone’s taupe instead. Yes, you read that correctly. I was sick of all of the Capitol residents and their fancy costumes. I CapiTOLD them.
That night, scores for training came out. I was very surprised to see that I still received the best score, even when I changed the flow of the original movie.
Next thing I know, I’m standing on a podium, scared for my life, as a voice counts down the seconds til the games begin.
*Fast forward through games*
I wake up laying in a hospital bed in what appears to be a Capital hospital. I wonder what happened, because this is not where I ended up in the book. I do see Peeta next to me, and vaguely remember being star-crossed lovers, or something like that. I realize that we are both pretty beaten up, so the ending of the games must not have gone as planned. Then, I realize another small detail, Peeta and I are holding hands. This is when it hits me: we are not just “in love” for the cameras, we are truly in love.
When we return to District 12, Peeta and I start moving ourselves and our families out of our old, run down homes, and into our new Winner’s Parsonage. We had talked about living a simple life from now on, no more complications or stress like we faced during the 74th Annual Hunger Games.
We relax into our new home, not knowing that the future that we had in store, was a future we would rather not live...

The author's comments:

The idea for this story was based off of a very popular movie, The Hunger Games. I chose to write my story about this because it is one of my very favorite movies. 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Mar. 17 2018 at 12:36 pm
Bruvton DIAMOND, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
55 articles 2 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They don't think it is what it does, but it do." ~Oscar Gamble

Interesting story! I love to put myself in the position of the characters in my favourite books and movies.