A Hero's Quest | Teen Ink

A Hero's Quest

December 6, 2017
By ashlynwrites BRONZE, Ft. Worth, Texas
ashlynwrites BRONZE, Ft. Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Shut your quiznack"- Lance Mcclain

There was no escape. There was no way the walls would hold, that they wouldn’t collapse to the ground in a flurry of dust. He would die, trapped within his own structure, cowering from the beast that prowled outside.  His armor had been shed, melted by the demon’s ferocious flames, it’s razor-sharp talons ripping through his steel-like protection. The warrior clutched his arm, three deep gashes staining his porcelain skin. The monster had done this. It was its fault he was suffering, that he was forced to silently wait for death to swallow him whole. No. He needed to survive, to save the kingdom, and be announced as a savior.

It was time for him to be the hero.

With a burst of faith that swelled from within, Ralph rammed through the pillow fort that he had created out of couch cushions. At his exposure, the monster twitched its tail, clear blue eyes forming silts as it lunged forward, sinking its fangs into the wounded soldier. Pain clouded Ralph’s vision as he blindly felt for the broom that was balanced against a beige wall. It was his weapon, the sword, the one thing that could silence the beast.

Though the broom was frayed, and the man was feeling his leg and face swell with immense irritation, he swung his weapon forward, sweeping the beast off its feet and onto the small table that adorned the living room. Landing perfectly, the monster tilted its head at the frantic warrior, it’s slimy mouth twitching into a demonic smirk as it crept towards the edge of the coffee table. Ralph felt himself pressed against a corner without any passage of escape. He was trapped. He had failed the kingdom, but most importantly, himself.

His knees buckled, the devastated warrior falling to the ground in defeat, the beast pouncing onto his heaving chest. He had lost. The wild animal moved its hooked tongue across its prey’s face, reveling in it’s victor. He could already feel his skin speckling with redness, the rash spreading past his neck as the beast’s fur fell tauntingly. Then the sneezing came, each one growing more powerful and violent as Ralph struggled to steady his breathing. Yet, the exploding sounds warded off the monster, dragging the creature away from the allergic man who sat sniffling in defeat but also an odd sense of satisfaction as the creature stalked away.

He sighed, tilting his head to one of the windows of his submerged house, white snow blocking his vision and hopes of leaving. If only he had been snowed in with his girlfriend instead of her feisty cat, Marlene.

“Stupid fur ball…” He groaned, sliding a hand over his exasperated face as the cat took a piped interest in a stack of mail, gently scratching it with a paw. Shaking his head the warrior stood up. It was time for battle once more, but this time, he wouldn’t give up. After all, he was a hero, was he not?

The author's comments:

This short article was orginally a entry I wrote for  a small writing contest within a community of a fandom. For the purpose of publishing, I have changed the names, but kept the fight the main character has against such a horrendous beast. I hope you enjoy!

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