The Potato Eaters | Teen Ink

The Potato Eaters

November 27, 2017
By Audrey.M. BRONZE, Frederick , Maryland
Audrey.M. BRONZE, Frederick , Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"The Potato Eaters" is a painting by the famous Vincent Van Gogh. In order to understand this (fictional) narration of the painting, go look it up just real quick. This is the the story behind the canvas.

Lil Bessy was cold and hungry. She lives in the Netherlands where everyone is cold and hungry. It was April, but the air was still as cold as Mr.Grinch’s heart.
She lives in a cottage as small as Mr.Grinch’s heart. Inside it is always dark and gloomy because Netherlands is always dark and gloomy. Like Mr.Grinch’s heart. Also inside, lived four other people. They were also cold and hungry.
Lil Bessy calls her mother “Mama” because it rhymes with llama. Lil Bessy likes llamas. She asked for one for Christmas, but didn’t get one because Christmas does not exist in 1885.
At least, that is what her Mama said.
Her Mama works a lot inside and outside. She has a line on her forehead that gets bigger every year. Lil Bessy thinks she has a disease, and her Mama agreed and said it’s called “Beingaparent-itis”.
Her Mama also “stress-eats” according to Auntie Crazy (At least that’s what her Mama called her Aunt).
Lil Bessy does not know what that means. Lil Bessy thinks its another disease.
Grandma Jo has a disease. Its called scurvy. Lil Bessy doesn’t think that’s a real disease. Grandma Jo is very old. Sometimes she yells for her husband to help her put on her socks.
Except her husband is dead.
And they can’t afford socks.
Auntie Crazy lives with Mama and Lil Bessy because… Lil bessy doesn’t know why Auntie Crazy lives with her and Mama.
Uncle Freddy lives with Mama and Lil Bessy because he needs a babysitter. He hit his head a while ago after tripping over a potato.
Potatoes are dangerous.
Mama says he “Lost it” because of the accident. Lil Bessy doesn’t know what he lost, but she doesn’t think he has found it yet. Lil Bessy thinks he should try harder to look, instead of just staring at the ceiling all the time.
Mama calls Lil Bessy inside for dinner. Lil Bessy didn’t have any toys, so she played with potatoes. Lil Bessy lived on a potato farm. They ate potatoes a lot. She doesn’t like potatoes because it sounds like potaTOES. Lil Bessy thinks eating toes would be gross.
Lil Bessy is right.
Grandma Jo said they were having grilled steak and onions for dinner. Lil Bessy got very excited.
Mama said they weren’t. Grandma Jo’s disease and oldness had made her delusional again. Uncle Fred shouted “POTATOES!” very loudly. He shouted a lot.
Mama said he was right about potatoes for dinner. Auntie Crazy was helping Mama in the kitchen, making pota-toes. Lil Bessy wondered if there were pota-fingers.
Uncle Fred shouted “AMERICA”. Lil Bessy thinks there are pota-fingers in America.
Auntie Crazy is helping Mama by yelling stuff at her. Mama thanks her for the help by shouting back at her and waving the potatoes in the air. Grandma Jo calls for Grandpa Tom again. Lil Bessy laughs because her Grandma is silly.
Lil Bessy sits next to Uncle Fred and waits for her potatoes. Auntie Crazy makes a steamy black liquid that looks like the great abyss of space.
Mama says it is coffee. Lil Bessy asked if coffee was what made Auntie Crazy, crazy.
Mama said yes. Auntie’s fingers twitched a lot. Lil Bessy thinks she is possessed.
Mama and Auntie Crazy sat down at the table. Mama called it a table but it was really a piece of wood on another piece of wood. Mama cuts the potatoes for Uncle Fred because one time he cut himself.
Auntie Crazy poured the black liquid into little cups that were almost as old as Grandma Jo.
Uncle Fred made weird noises and pointed to the potato he wanted.
Mama’s disease that gave her lines on her forehead must be getting worse because Lil Bessy could see more of them.
Grandma Jo took a cup of the drink and looked inside at it. She asked if Grandpa Tom was in there.
Mama’s disease got even worse. She said she was very glad there wasn’t someone there at that moment to take a portrait of them.

The author's comments:

This story is the narration behind the famous Van Gogh painting "The Potato Eaters". What was going through the subjects heads as this snap shot of their lives was taken? This is just one short story in a series called "Behind the Canvas", the stories of paintings. 

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