The Truth | Teen Ink

The Truth

September 18, 2017
By huila BRONZE, Monticello, IL, Illinois
huila BRONZE, Monticello, IL, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have some really bad secrets to share with someone, and it might as well be you. Listen, I work for the government and I’m not proud of it. I’ve had to do endless terrible things for them, and I regret it all. I have to shoot and torture countless people and do many other awful things. But the worst thing I have done, and I think the worst thing you can do to a person, is go after someone’s family. And use their family against them.

Most families are innocent and haven’t done anything wrong. They live their lives like normal people. The only difference is that they’re related to someone who committed a crime. When you have to go after a family and hold them hostage until the criminal comes forward, you realize a lot about life. Like how grateful you are for what you have, and how lucky you are to have your family protected.

Everything the government does that you think is a miracle, or amazing, is all a lie. For example, the health system. Everyone thinks it’s some amazing system that keeps everyone healthy and happy. That’s the cover. Anyone who has received medical care from the new health care system formed by the government is doomed. They will appear to be healthy but they will suddenly have a heart attack or extreme disease pop up out of nowhere. They will die, but it will seem like it was because of natural causes. It’s not. They are now using a dangerous chemical to kind of ward off the disease for a long period of time until it comes back, all at once, and kills you within minutes.

I don’t even know why I’m telling you this, you probably don’t care. But I had to get it off my chest. Now comes the hard part. I have told you all my government secrets, everything the government wants to hide, what they do to people, what awful people they are, everything. I have to protect myself. You should know what comes next. I’m sorry.

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