The Ill Mind of Trent Mako | Teen Ink

The Ill Mind of Trent Mako

January 19, 2017
By EmBeCee BRONZE, Colchester, Vermont
EmBeCee BRONZE, Colchester, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A sonic boom shook New York City in the middle of the night, alarming all five boroughs to look into the pitch black sky to figure out what could have caused such an abnormal noise. As I peered outside a window in the upper part of my penthouse on Fifth Avenue I couldn’t help but gasp and be in awe of what was hovering in the sky above the 102-story skyscraper known as the Empire State Building. At this very moment I was reminded of one of my childhood favorites, Independence Day. I truly could feel what Will Smith felt in that movie, the only difference is that this is an actual reality.  My world just turned upside down in the blink of an eye. I couldn’t help but have thousands upon thousands of thoughts racing through my fragile mind.The nightmares, not on Elm Street, are back, and they are looking to erase their errors made previously and successfully wipe out the human race as we know it.
The world thought they would never be back, and so did I, at least not in my lifetime. I thought the failure the Andiran Aliens experienced would surely make them steer clear of ever trying to ransack our planet for all of its natural resources again. I couldn’t help but think back to how it all had happened. Every nation on this planet stood together during the first attack and for the gruesome three years, we prevailed. Technology and innovations were at an all time high. All of the nations were hitting their peaks in terms of participation. This was the time of unification, and to the invaders demise we had benefited off of one another and created weapons of true mass destruction.
Not a day went by during those years that I wasn’t involved. After all, I am the leading innovator of weapons and technology throughout this whole planet. Not to mention also one of the brightest politicians in the Western Hemisphere. How do you think I afforded such a nice penthouse full of the newest models in cars? That’s besides the point, but during the first invasion I was called to duty by the President of the United States himself, and day in and day out I worked with every single military across the world, and eventually we formed the Alliance of the Sphere. This was the fusing of every single military and armed force on this planet and was and still is led by yours truly, Trent Mako.
Now, fast forward back to the present and we are here in New York City bewildered at the very sight of this alien vessel. Is it time I call up President Schneider and bring back the Alliance of the Sphere once again? Well one thing is certain, I’m getting on my state of the art neuron powered private jet parked on the roof of my penthouse and setting course for the White House, it should only take me 10-15 minutes to get there. Times like these make me feel so alive, would it be weird to say I live for thrill? Who cares, I am the man with the plan after all. Let’s just hope NYC is the only place with a floating battleship in it so far.
Well, my worst nightmares are actually coming true. All of Washington D.C. is engulfed in flames as large as the Eiffel tower. People all over are firing at aliens that are running a muck, and the White House is gone. No trace of it seems to have been left either. I have no idea what to do. The only thing I can think of is getting out of this god forsaken place and heading to a secret military base in the middle of Nevada. Some people might know it, it's the mythic Area 51. Too bad I’m currently being chased by a brigade of alien fighters, unfortunately for them I have places to go so this will end with a click of one button, the missiles of doom. These aliens must’ve not gotten the memo that I was the reason they lost the first invasion. Click, clack, and now boom. Hm, as I pressed the large red button to fire the bombs I blinked. As I peered back to see what happened all I could visibly make out was a massive wave of fire and remnants of the foreign objects gravitating to the ground. That was way easier than I thought it would be. Now I think it’s time to get on my high horse to Nevada. Hopefully nothing major has happened there or I’ll be out of luck.
While flying over this once wonderful nation, I can’t help but reminisce about how everything once was on this sphere of life. I miss the times when everything was peaceful, and the worst problem was global warming. I miss when I didn’t have to worry about fighting aliens or creating the most advanced technology a human could possibly think of. If only my father, rest in peace, was still here to guide me through all of these trials and tribulations. At this point in my life it seems as if I am merely a one man army looking to be the hero of my own story. I have to say, this has taken a very large toll on me mentally. Just knowing that everyone on this planet is counting on me to stop this and save the day makes me sick to my stomach. What if I don’t succeed, what if I fail and we’re all doomed? I need to stop thinking like this, but it is almost impossible not to think about the other side of every possibility. Man, I can’t wait to get to Area 51 and hopefully vent actual people, other than myself. Loneliness isn’t something I’m too fond of.
Well, it seems as if this whole state is sane, and intact. The base also seems to still be here, at least luck is on my side, for now. This thing is gigantic, good thing most of it was made under ground. It reminds me of Ancient Egypt and how they made the pyramids with endless chasms and tunnels. Endless loops, swerves, and turns . As much as my brain hurts navigating through this overly complicated facility, I feel at home. Hopefully some people are here and I can get to business. If only I could..oh nevermind! Wow, I might be the luckiest person on this planet, everyone in here happens to be dead. How did all of this happen? This was, and is still supposed to be the most secure place on this planet..I can’t believe this. General Tony, Beck, and Forest are all dead, and it seems as if they were impaled with some sort of alien shards that led to every one of their demises. At least my plans for weapon creation and advancement are hidden far down in the chambers of this place. Man, this whole thing seems like a horror movie and I’m stuck in an endless loops of the worst scenes. Time to hit the gas and get down to the bottom of this labyrinth for what I came here for, my secret plans.
And the climax keeps on building, what do you know? Of course they happened to leave a few aliens down here to just nonchalantly guard the one thing I need. Well, time to be like Liam Neeson and silently kill each and every one of these monstrosities. It’s so quiet you could hear a paper clip hit the ground and it would break your eardrums. Okay, one, two, three, GO. A few gunshots and screeches later and I’ve successfully killed five aliens, that chalks up my total to about I million and two. Time to get what I came here for and get out of this ticking time bomb. The plans, the notes, and this..this is still here?! I forgot I left this little nuclear missile here if I ever needed it again. I vowed to never have to unleash such chaos onto the world again, but I might need to seeing as if I’m the only part of this mission anyways. Well, more insurance for me I guess just in case my plan fails. See ya later General, it was a pleasure knowing every single one of you guys, but I think it’s only fair if I blow this place up so no one has to know what went on here. Sorry, but you’re all dead anyways, it isn’t going to hurt anything.
Saber, which is what I named my pristine jet happens to be infused with computer intelligence that gives it a way to communicate, and give any type of information I ask for.
“So, Saber, set coordinates for my bunker outside of NYC, I think it’s time I get to work and start fighting back. Oh, and also, can you play some Michael Jackson? Preferably anything off of Thriller, because this is about to be a thrill...yes a cheesy line, but this can’t be my own movie without a few stupid lines, am I right Saber? Don’t answer that, just set course, I need to take a nap, my headaches are  taking a toll on me and causing me to become delusional, as you can tell.”
* * *
“Woah, where am I? Saber where did you take us you nitwit? I said take us back to my bunker outside of New York City! We are in a Desert or something!....Ahhh, this is why computers can’t be trusted. Whatever, land now so I can see where we are. Oh wait, this is actually brilliant. Saber, I am sorry about roasting you, I’m just going through another one of those mid-life crisis things. But, I see you’ve taken me to where it all started, the testing grounds for ZZ4, or Zero Zeta 4. This is where I created the all mighty bombs and missiles that caused us to win the war. Everything should actually still be here, including every blueprint and some artifacts we took from the aliens and used for our own. I think the base is right...oh here it is, under this very, very hot sand that’s literally burning my hand. Whose bright idea was it to put this place in the middle of the Sahara Desert? Wait, it was mine. Okay, note to self, never put anything in the middle of a flaming hot Desert again.”
Memories, I remember this chasm being full of hundreds upon hundreds of people working day in and day out on different ways to beat these hordes of aliens. Man, this is so sad, it’s almost as if this place is just a ghost town now. Well, time to get looking for those old blueprints and get the machines up and running, I don’t have much time until these creatures start their full scale attacks. Let's see, oh yeah, there it is. I almost forgot where the dang power switch was, good thing I created this place user friendly, or I would be out of luck. Now, where did I hide these critically important blueprints, were they in the chest to my right, or did I put them in the one to the left? Well, I only have one key so let’s just try this big, awfully heavy, and some what ugly chest. AHHH, it was this one, thank you sweet baby molasses, this was it. Time to get to work, even if I’m doing this on my own I think I can do it fast enough, maybe my robot Jarvus is still up and running and it could speed up the process. I only have one shot of dropping these bombs onto the mothership back in New York, if I fail then I most likely will be dead and all of humanity will be doomed. Man, that just sounds like a wonderful situation, it doesn’t happen to make me nervous or anything, I am Trent Mako for crying out loud.
“Jarvus, turn on”...silence. Okay, let’s try that again, “JARVUS TURN ON!” Okay, well it seems my computer friend isn’t with us anymore, looks like I’ll have to do everything on my own, not like that isn’t how I’ve been doing everything since I woke up and looked outside to a  mothership hovering over my city. People used to tell me that they wanted to be a hero, they wanted to be that someone that everyone loves. Well, let me tell you something, it isn’t everything that you might see in a movie. So, so, so, so, so, so much things play into that, and what if you aren't the hero? What if you fail, are you the villain? I mean you would never know considering in this scenario you would be dead. Anyways, time to get back to work and stop thinking out loud.
Many long, hard, and suspenseful days go by, and not a single day do I get more than four hours of rest. This is something that requires all the time possible. I think I finally got it, I think i’ve replicated the bombs used in the first battle against the Andirons and spiced them up a little bit with some special alien ore we stole from their previous mothership, hopefully this doesn’t cause the whole planet to blow up in an instance. For crying out loud, that would be very, very tragic. All I have to get now is a few atomic weapons, that aren't too dangerous, to use to protect myself just in case one of these creatures try to run up on me while I’m flying to NYC and want to take care of some business. Man, it really sucks being Trent Mako.
Okay, time to leave. I guess I’ll leave a present for this place and drop a few sticks of dynamite down the hole and blow up the whole dang thing. I want no traces of anything, just in case I fail and the people try to trace down any evidence of how I failed. This might be one of the last times I’ll be able to look at Saber from the outside and truly admire it. This was my first creation. The sleek black wings, the pointed nose that creates such a marvel, the wheels are not manufactured anywhere else, the jet can literally transform into a space ship if I wanted it to. It was my most proud moment when I created it, and it might be my last time seeing it. Okay, stop being a little baby, Trent. “Time to go, Saber, set route to New York City. I’ve loaded you up with missiles and bombs that are able to destroy the mothership. Just know if we fail, you and I will both be going down, but, we will also self destruct in the city and destroy everything within it, including the people. This is only thing I could think of if we failed, and it would save everyone else, at the cost of every life in the radius of NYC. Hopefully, it doesn’t have to end up like that.”
Flying has caused me to think a lot more than I ever have before. Has my life been everything I hoped it would’ve been when I was a kid? I mean, I’m in my 30s but the thing is I’ve never had a love of my life, or any children. I’ve been on my own since my parents both passed away when i was a mere teenager. All of my life I’ve been on my own, a long and brutal path that I’ve taken all alone. Yes, I’m successful and I’ve saved the human race from aliens, but there's more to life than being a hero. I really wanted a family, a son, or daughter, and love. Love is and always was missing from my life. I might never experience love knowing that if I fail this then I will be nothing more than a mere memory and tragic story. A lot rides on me being successful in this and actually destroying the mothership without having to go to my secondary plan. My nerves are at an all time high, if only I had someone here with me telling me that I can do this, but unfortunately all I have is Saber who doesn’t speak. Man, I need to rest until we enter the Western Hemisphere, or better yet when we enter New York. Too much is on my mind, and I need to settle it before anything major occurs.
“Ughhhh, I’m awake Saber, stop making all of these noises, I understand.” Wow, it seems as if we just entered New York, we’re about 5 minutes from NYC going at this speed. It is almost time to see if I’ll finally do something other than run around the world looking for blueprints of my past creations. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but this is no time to be nervous. “Saber, if we both don’t make it out of here and die together, just know you were my greatest creation and most prized possession. Now, let's do this thing! We are finally in NYC, go over by the Empire State Building and creep upwards towards the mothership, we want to be undetected so activate the camouflage to not be seen on their radar. Slow, but steady, fast but careful. Don’t mess this up for us Saber.This is a do or die situation. Creep up, right behind the left wing, and then hover over the top. This is all we’ve been waiting for. Everyone is looking to the sky, panicking because the mothership is about to unleash the main waves of its minions. All we have to do is unleash the army of bombs I’ve equipped you with. I believe we have enough weapons of mass destruction to level an entire City. Once we let these warheads fly there is no going back. This could possibly all backfire on us. These bombs could do absolutely nothing to this mothership. Well, let’s forget about that scenario and focus on what’s at hand. Now, I’m going to signal for these bombs to drop and we’re going to hope for the best.” Three, two, one, bon voyage. The collision the nuclear shells had with the mothership created a sonic boom that hit anything within a 10 mile radius. Buildings all around were flattened to ground level. Dust was rising throughout the atmosphere to the point that I couldn’t even see if we destroyed the alien aircraft. Once the ashy remains of dust forged from the buildings cleared, I finally saw the result. I was finally at peace with not only myself, but the universe. I’ve done it, I saved the entire human population. Tears were dripping down my cheeks, and Saber started speaking to me.
“You’ve done well, sir. I never thought you were anything but a hero.”
I took a deep breath, wiped the teas from my eyes, and replied to Saber.  “Saber, without you, this wouldn’t have been possible. Through thick and thin you were here for me. I merely created you to have a stylish way of transportation. You’re so much more than that.”
Saber laughed, almost robotically then said something I’ll never forgot.  “Mr. Mako, I think you’re the most impactful human being on this planet. You won’t fail in anything you do. And if you do fail, it’ll only make you strive more to succeed. You will be remembered forever as a hero. History books will be rewritten and you’ll be the start of the 21st century. Bravo, Trent, bravo.”
I can’t reply. Words are running all throughout my head but I can’t seem to get any of them out. I’m choked up on the thought that I’ll actually be in history, two times. I’ve stopped these invaders both times they’ve tried to erase our species. I finally came to my senses. I, Trent Mako, am finally at peace. I think it’s time I go home, too bad it’s destroyed. “Oh well, Saber, fly us to my home in the Bahamas, I need a little vacation time.”
A few weeks passed, and everything seemed to be back to normal. I finally got the time to vacation and relax without having to worry about saving the planet. I received a telephone call a few days ago that informed me about having to attend a ceremony. Obviously, this ceremony is to honor all of the people that worked together to save our civilization. The only problem is, I was the only one to actually save us from those creatures. Good thing the ceremony is today. I’m on edge thinking about what it could truly be about.
How ironic, I arrived in Times Square to hundreds of people awaiting my arrival. The only ironic part is, this place was just dust and remains of buildings a few weeks ago. Man, people really know how to clean up this city. Well, time to line up with everyone else and await the commendation that everyone is seeking. As I was hearing various names be called, I couldn’t help but have the nerves kick in. After a few people were called, I heard a “Trent Mako” from the head of state, Julie Sanders. My nerves went haywire right when I heard it, and all I needed was a deep breath and clear mind to fix that. Julie started speaking upon all of the actions I took to save this great planet. She even added in parts that I spoke to her privately about. She added my depression during the dark time, aid from Saber, and my actions I took to save civilization as we all knew it. To my surprise, she also was announcing that I was the new President of the United States. Julie claimed that the whole White House had been destroyed, resulting in the prior President’s death. Everyone in the audience found it fit, and couldn’t help themselves to cheering and chanting my name. This moment was something surreal. I can’t believe my eyes or ears. I am where I’ve always wanted to be. And I will serve this nation as best as possible. I’m Trent Mako, and I’m the 64th President of the New United States of America.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by my surroundings and my adolscence. I wanted to really connect with things I could remember when I was merely a toddler and bring a creative sense to them and round it out to a piece worth publishing. I really wanted to upload and publish this simply due to this work being the first to open my eyes and make me realize that I wasn't as good at writing (creatively) as I thought I was.

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