Unexpected | Teen Ink


January 28, 2017
By danielle2017 BRONZE, Burlington, Ontario
danielle2017 BRONZE, Burlington, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Are we almost there yet, Terrance?”
“What do you mean ‘are we almost there yet’! We’ve got a long way ahead of us You know that.”
“Well, will you at least tell me where we’re going?”
“—just enjoy the view.”
“Do you even know how to use a compass? Or a map?”
“Quit complaining and get moving.”
“What’s the matter now, Sher? ”
“All this walking is exhausting. And don’t call me that!”
“Quit being a baby, Sherry. C’mon, pick up the pace.”
“Did you even look at the trail guide before you decided to go off the path? I mean, even the park rangers don’t go all the way out here.”
“Okay, now—you have to trust me. H-how am I, argh, supposed to clear the foliage if you keep dis-tracting me?”
“Fine. I’ll just willingly march into this green abyss. Gonna drown in trees. So long civilization.”
“Whatever you say, ‘Scary Sherry’.
“Wait. Stop. Did you hear that?”
“Ooooooooo. Something moving in the bushes there , Sher?”
“Shut up, I’m serious.”
“Come closer, I’ll hold your hand.”
“Terrance, seriously. We’re in the middle of nowhere. Who can hear us if we call for help?”
“Oh no, I’m sooooo afraid.”
“Be quiet. I knew we shouldn’t have—”
“Sherry, stop. Look behind you.”
“Beautiful, right? This is why I like it all the way out here.”
“I’ve never been this close to a wild animal before.”
“Well white-tailed deer aren’t exactly what I would call a ‘wild animal’, but yes. This is pretty surreal. They usually don’t like strangers. Man, she is breathtaking.”
“Good thing you quieted down, you oaf. Your horrible sense of humour might have spooked her.”
“Just keep walking. I want to see more.”

The author's comments:

This is a dialogue piece. I really enjoy nature and really believe that people must stop and appreciate how beautiful it is. 

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