Skate | Teen Ink


January 27, 2017
By Will.i.am2 BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
Will.i.am2 BRONZE, Falling Waters, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were all watching intently. All eyes were on Jimmy as he put his board down.
"You got this," Brad yelled.
Then I yelled trying to encourage him. He pushed going towards the object popped his skateboard down and cleared the object with speed and style.
"That was amazing!" I shouted. 
"I can’t believe you just did that!" Brad said. 
"I didn’t think you would get that first try," I said. I could tell Jimmy was mad that we didn’t get it on video.
"Come on man what are you doing!" Jimmy yelled. We started arguing for a while then agreed for him to try it again. Normally we all skated with about three or four people and had a specific video tapper. So we all waited for him to attempt the trick.
"If you get this again I will give you twenty dollars," Brad said. Money was on the line so Jimmy got excited. He again dropped the board and viciously pushed. Jimmy was going fast, popped, and flew over the box and hurt his arm. He hit it against the hard concrete ground and it started to bleed.
"Are you alright?" I asked.
"I'm fine," Jimmy pouted. He repeated doing the trick ten to fifteen more tries. Jimmy is probably the most determined skater out of all of us. He couldn’t land it so everyone tired of the trick so we just moved onto another clip. This time it was Brads turn to do some skate tricks for the clip. Jimmy was a little bruised up and tired so we made him record brad. Brad giggled
"Do you think I could land these tricks my first go?"
Jimmy laughed "Ya go for it Brad,"
Brad slammed his board down jumped on it and pushed the ground rolling across the rough concrete. Brad popped the tail of the board and flicked his foot out and caught it after the full rotation with his feet. He landed and kept pushing
"Yes Brad keep going," Jimmy said while he was pushing behind him. Jimmy kept following him on his board while recording. Brad bended his knees about to do another trick and swipes his back foot and flicks forward making the board do a full 360 degree rotation. He bended his knees back down and landed. Me and Jimmy, also the bystanders were in shock after seeing that. Jimmy skated off to the side and so did Brad.
"Good job!" I and Jimmy said.
"Thanks guys," Brad said confidently.
"What a day," Brad said quickly after.
"It’s kind of getting dark out guys do think we should go back inside?" I asked. All of us agreed so we all skated back to our houses and said goodbye. So I made my way back and skated to my house. I just started to hang out with Jimmy and Brad and knew they would be lifetime friends. They always motivated me and helped when I was down and had troubles with learning a new trick.

The author's comments:

I wrote this book about how friends can help you alot.

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