A Walk In The Woods | Teen Ink

A Walk In The Woods

December 22, 2016
By Alexdurand BRONZE, Woonsocket , Rhode Island
Alexdurand BRONZE, Woonsocket , Rhode Island
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

"Cliff, are we still going to go on that hike on Saturday?" I said. 
"Yes Phin, we are still going to go on that hiking trip, but we are going to have to go at 3:00 instead of noon ok?"
"Yah that’s ok, but don’t you think that that will be too late to leave. Don’t you think it will get dark?”
“No it will be fine it only gets dark at 5:40” Cliff responded
“Oh Ok.  I'm going to the store to get food and stuff. Do you want anything." I called.
Cliff responded”Can you get me some chips?" 
"Sure thing Cliff, I'll call you later." As I was walking to the store I thought if we would need water.
I texted Cliff “Should we get any waters for the trip today?".
He didn’t text me back.  Once I got in the store Cliff called me back
"Hey Phin, sorry I didn’t respond. You still at the store?" 
"Uhh, yah. What do you think we should get" I said
“Can you get the waters, and instead of the chips can you get me some gum?”
Sure. I’ll call you once I get home.”
Once I finally got out of the store and home it was almost 2:00 P.M. I called cliff
“Ring, Ring, Ring, Hey I’m not here right now can you leave a message after the beep BEEP”
“God… Why won’t he ever answer the phone? UGH it’s so annoying.”
It was almost 2:45 when he finally called back
“Sorry Phin. I couldn’t get to you r you coming over soon?”
“Yah, I’m already on my way.”
Once I got to Cliff's house he was outside. I handed him the gum and some of the waters I got.
“Crap!! Shouldn’t we bring flashlights?” I said
“Phin, we are fine. It won’t we won’t be out late.”
“Ok. What % is your phone at?”
“It’s at 60% were fine. Stop worrying Phin.”
“Ok. Let’s go.”
We started walking to the path which we were going to hike at and once we finally got there it was almost 3:30.
“How far away is the waterfall?”
“It is only like 2 miles north of here.” Phin called out because he was already 20 feet ahead.
“Slow down Cliff.”
“Oh, crap I almost forgot that you had that limp”
“Yah Yah Yah. “
“Cliff do you think we should follow the stream to the waterfall?”
“Phin we are going to follow the path it is easier to walk on the path.”
“Ok cliff.”
“Think we are going to see any deer like we did last time. What do you think Cliff?”
“Honestly I hope that it is going to be nice and peaceful today.”
As we were walking I almost tripped on the largest rock ever.
“Whoa! For a second it looked like that rock moved.” Said cliff
“Shut up, I thought it was further away than it actually moved.”
As we were walking we were nearing the waterfall, but it was getting late.
“Cliff. What time is it?”
“It’s almost 4:30. Why is it taking us so long?”
“We need to hurry. We’re going to run out of light”
“Whoa Whoa Whoa, what is this ‘we’ you are talking about Phin?”
“Shut up Cliff. What are those birds doing over there?”
“I don’t know. Let’s go check”
“That’s weird. It looks like they’re eating a dead thing”
“Whoa that looks like a deer” I said as I walked closer
“Really cliff, nice joke”
“PHINEAS I’M NOT JOKING” He had that look of pure adrenaline-filled-fear running through his veins. I didn’t even see where we were going, but we must have been running for a mile. He was well ahead  of me when I called.
“Cliff, Where did you go!?!?”
“Phineas, I broke my ankle, I don’t know where I-I am.” He said while crying
“Cliff, it is going to be fine the sun doesn’t set for another hour, and there is a full moon to give u      light. We are going to be fine.”
“Ok, I’m near this giant rock, I can hear a stream, and I have a lighter in my bag.”
“Ok I can hear the stream. I see one giant rock, but it is way far away. Wait, why do you have a lighter in your pocket?”
“Never mind that. I’m have some dry leaves near me I’m going to light them on fire.”
“Is that you?”
“I don’t know Phin, go to what you think is me”
“Cliff.” I yelled
“Phin I can hear you.” Cliff responded
“Cliff keep yelling.” I yelled back
“I see you” said Cliff, through tears “We can make a splint. Can you get my paracord from my key chain out of my bag?”
“I found the paracord. Here, unwind the paracord while I get some logs to make a splint.
“Ok Phineas, Dude you’re my best frie-“
“Don’t start that Cliff I’m not going to let you die here” I said interrupting
I went off and found 2 perfect sticks for Cliff’s splint, but once I got back it was 5:30
“Cliff I got you two sticks for the splint” I exclaimed
Cliff had already unwrapped the paracord and put some sticks on the fire
“Cliff one stick is going to go here.” I said as I place it to the right of his ankle “and one stick is going to go on the other side, but before we can do that I’m going to have to move your ankle back into the right place. This is going to hurt OK.” I said
  “Ok Phin just give me a countdown” Cliff said while drying tears
“3…2…1…**CRACK** Cliff it’s done are you good?”
“Y-Yah I’m ok.” Cliff said as he was trying not to cry
“It’s fine, I’ll support you. Can you put any weight on your leg?”
“A little, but it feels like I’m stepping on nails, with barbs on them” Cliff said tearfully
“Know we both have leg disabilities” I said “Cliff Give me your bag, and the paracord. Give me your hand. I’m going to pull you up ok.”
“Yah I’m ready” said cliff
“3…2…1…up you go”
“OWWW” Yelped Cliff
“Ok lean on that rock so your leg doesn’t hurt. I’m going to tie both of our bad legs together. Ready?”
“Yah let's go” Said Cliff cheerfully “I’m going to need to lean on you”
“Cliff that’s what I’m expecting you to do.” I said as I was tying our bad legs together. This is going to be hard to walk, but we are going to make it back to the start of the path.” As I said this we started walking towards the stream
“Ow, Ow, Ow.” Yelped cliff every other step
“Cliff tell me if it hurts too bad to walk”
“I’ll tell you when, but now I’m fine” said cliff breathing hard
“Once we reach the stream what way should we go?” I said
“We should go south, because the waterfall is still north of us.”
“Ok for now why don’t you use the compass on your phone to figure out which way is south.” I said as we both sat on the rock.
“South, left of the stream”
“Cliff, it is going to hurt more that we are going to be walking on the rocks.”
“Ok Phin, I’ll be ok”
As we were almost to the exit of the path Cliff’s phone started to die, it was at 20%.
“Phin my phone is only at 20%, I think we should use your phone for the flash light.”
“Ok cliff, I'll turn on the flashlight on my phone, but we are going to have to stop for me to get it out.”
“Ok Phin. Let’s stop at this rock. Wait! This is the rock that you fell on earlier.”
“Cliff, no way we are almost out of the woods.”
“Phin, let me use your phone to call my mom to get us a ride home.”
“Ok Cliff”
“Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring. Yes mom. I know it's late, yes can you please pick me and Phineas up at the path. Yah I know. Ok love you bye.”
“Phin she’ll be here in like 5 minutes”
“Ok Cliff, thank you.”
After about 10 minutes Cliff’s mom got here and she drove me and Cliff home. THe next day cliff got an x-ray of his foot
“Hey Phin.”
“Oh hey Cliff. How’s the foot?”
“It’s broken in four places”
“Oh, can you walk?” I said
“No, I need a wheelchair”
“That sucks Cliff. Call me tomorrow.”
“Will do Phin. Thank you. You saved my life.”
“Bye Cliff, talk to you tomorrow”
“Bye Phin.”

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