The Unknown Angel | Teen Ink

The Unknown Angel

December 8, 2016
By dorkgeeknerd BRONZE, Hope Mills, North Carolina
dorkgeeknerd BRONZE, Hope Mills, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There once was a girl her name was Serenity. She was just a normal 16-year-old girl, or that’s what she thought. What she didn’t know is that she is an angle of the Lord; she is more powerful than any archangel. God has her hidden so when the time comes she can fulfill her destiny. As she gets ready for school, Destiel is informed that there is a new angel; he must go find her so she can help end the war in heaven. As Destiel is searching for Serenity he finds out what school she is attending; Destiel appears in the school and is searching for her. As he’s walking around the school he comes across a chemistry room where he thinks he sees Serenity. She is mixing chemicals and he sees the chemicals that she is mixing together are dangerous. He opens the door to stop her but is a little late as she has already mixed the chemicals. Destiel has no other choice but to expose himself by grabbing her and appearing outside of the school. Serenity is in a state of shock; she is standing there looking at her surroundings, and at Destiel. She looks at him and immediately jumps into her taekwondo fighting stance, she looks him dead in the eyes and say “Who on earth are you?” Destiel is very confused and says “My name is Destiel, I am an angel of the lord. Don’t you know who and what I am, what we are?” Serenity looks at him confused and says “What do you mean, what we are?” “We are angels of the Lord.” Destiel says. “Angels? Angels! What are you talking about? Are you insane?! I am no angel.” She says in a panic. “You are an angel, you are one of the most powerful angels there are!” Destiel says trying to convince her. “That’s not possible I’m not an archangel.” She says worried. “You’re right you aren’t an archangel, you are much more powerful than that.” He says convincingly. “But… but how, how is this possible; wouldn’t I know if I was that powerful?” She says confused. “Yes, normally you would. I have no idea why you didn’t know about this; but if you come with me we can find out.” He says smiling at her. “Why do you want me I’m useless?” she says confused. “because you aren’t useless, you just have to learn.” He says. “What do you mean by learn?” she says confused. “I will teach you how to fight, heal yourself, and anything you might need to know.” He says as he looks like he wants to leave. “okay… I guess, why not let’s go.” She says excited. “That’s the spirit!” Destiel says as he grabs Serenity’s hand and they disappear. They appear in an old abandoned warehouse. They start training right away, Serenity is a natural fighter because she already knows taekwondo. After hours of training Destiel thinks she is finally ready to go up against a real threat. They travel to a town that has a demon in it so Serenity can smite it. They find the demon and Serenity smites the demon no problem, they are starting to leave but then another demon shows up, and a few more, next thing they know they are surrounded by a dozen demons. Destiel notices that Serenity looks afraid and yells “you’ve got this remember your training!” she looks around and one demon runs after her she kicks it down and smites it. Two of them run after Destiel as three run after Serenity they fight them off and they win. Serenity didn’t make it out clean though she has gashes allover. Destiel gets them out of there before more demons show up. They get a two-bed hotel room and he tries to teach Serenity how to heal herself. It takes a few tries but for the most part it feels really natural. She feels good about this it feels right it feels like it’s what she has to do. Excited, she says “I want to do that again!” Glad, Destiel says “we’ll go out again tomorrow.” So, they sleep, and wake in the morning. They start their journey to prepare Serenity for the war in heaven. As they are on their journey they run into a few angels that weren’t on their side and they had to smite them, it was hard for Serenity knowing they were family but it had to be done. They continued on because they had to keep their eye on the prize. On this journey Destiel and Serenity grew closer, you could even say they became best friends. Three weeks have passed and Destiel thinks Serenity is ready, so they enter heaven and they start talking to people who would be easily persuaded they got many more recruits and they gained more knowledge about Michael and the angels on his side. They also found out that Serenity still hasn’t received all of her abilities. The angels said “she will receive her abilities when she is in the most need of them.” Confused they continued the plan of recruiting people and smiting the angels that were going to tell Michael about their plan. It has been a week and Serenity is ready for almost anything, she has a lot of angels on her side; she’s ready. She walks up to Michael and says “will you join me, I don’t want to hurt you.” Michael says “I will never join you!” and that’s what began the fight between the two most powerful angels ever. As they are fighting the other angels are fighting, each army against the other with their leaders in the center of it all. There is death after death, and beams of light coming from Serenity and Michael. Then suddenly Serenity is knocked down to the ground, she is beaten and bruised and she looks like she can’t go on any longer. Then she stands up broken bones, bloody face and all. That’s when it happened a blinding light appeared in a sphere shape around her. It pulled her off the ground as a white ball of light starts to form it gets bigger and brighter, then it surrounds her completely. She comes back down with her wings out and she looks at Michael dead in the eyes and says “I am an angel of the lord and I will follow his orders!” then she hits him square in the face knocking him over onto the ground. She takes her angel blade and thrust it into his heart and kills him then and there, leaving all of his followers petrified. As they run off her followers are glad that they finally have free will. Destiel becomes so immensely overwhelmed with joy he runs up to Serenity and kisses her. She pulls away surprised but happy and kisses him back.


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