Cruise Ship Disaster | Teen Ink

Cruise Ship Disaster

October 25, 2016
By Artical BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
Artical BRONZE, Warsaw, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Jason! Jason!”
“Yes Nancy”
“Let’s go we half to leave early to get to the boat cruise before it leaves and we can’t go anywhere come on kids get your bags and let’s get to the taxi and leave.”
So the family was off to the boat cruise. Once they got to their stop they got out and took at this humongous boat right in front of them and the kids were wonder how big this boat is.
“Come on kids let’s get on the boat cruise and find our rooms.”
“You guys go on ahead and look around the boat I will find our rooms.”
Then Jason headed to the front desk and ask for his room and keys also where he would head. “
Man how is anybody to find their rooms when these hall ways are so long ah here we go room 332.” “I wonder how Nancy and the kids are doing looking around the cruise.”
“Wait Kids!” “You guys just can’t run of like that guys because this boat is so huge that it would take hours just to find you guys.”
“Sorry Mom yeah I’m sorry too mom.”
“Ok now let’s try to find your father before more people show up.”
So they were off to find Jason when Jason was lost on the boat.
“Now where are the directions on the walls to get outside ah yes here we go.”
I half to go straight then right then there should be a set of stairs Yes!” “Ok now where are you Nancy oh she’s calling me hello.”
“Hey where are you.”
“I’m just getting outside to the deck right now I will meet you there.”
He was on his way to meet his family to go eat lunch.”
Nancy over here finally I found you because it was hard to find my way back out here.” Now who wants to get some lunch.”
“I do I am starving.”
“So am I.”
“Excuse me where is the café.”
“It’s down there to the left.”
“Thank you ok now what do you guys want to do after we get done eating”
We should do every activity there is for today.”
“Ok does that sound good kids.”
“Ok looks like we got our day planned out then for dinner were going to dinner with the captain.”
Jason and Nancy and kids were having fun, they were in racing other people and went swing and all the other activates and they couldn’t wait to go eat dinner with the captain.
“Now kids I want you to dress up really nice for dinner because were eating with the captain.”
“Ok dad.”
“Ok is everybody ready to go”
“Ok let’s go.”
“Honey how did we get dinner with the captain again.”
“We got dinner with him because since we won the tickets with this boat cruise they said we also get to eat dinner with the captain since we won the contest.”
“Hello is it Jason.”
“Ok well let’s get to dinner.”
“It’s such an honor to eat with captain.”
“You don’t half to say that you’re just eating with a normal person like anybody else, so how has the boat cruise been.”
“It’s been amazing so far we mostly did every activity but when we were doing one of the activities Nancy fell down and hurt her back.”
“Well I hope that’s entertainment for you Jason!”
“Nancy I was just messing around; I will try to find her.”
“Hu he such a jerk what is that ahhhhhhhhhh it’s rat.”
“Kids come Quick she fell off the boat!” “Come get the life boat for her!”
“dad her you go.”
“We all half to throw the life boat.” “Wow what was that there a big wave pushing the boat.”
“Dad I’m slipping.”
“So am I.”
     “Quick everybody get on the life boat try I will try to call for help you guys look if there’s anybody out side.”
Help! Is there anybody there that can hear me we need help we fell off the boat and we need to get back on the boat!”
They can’t hear us they must all be in the diner still eating.”
Jason and his family have been going where ever the ocean takes them. Then finally a day without eating they final came close to land.
“Ah ha is that what I think it is everybody we found land.” Come on help me paddle this boat to shore.”
“Look Jason there’s a house on the shore.”
“Everybody wait here while I go see if there is any body there.” “Hello is there anybody there.”
“Yes where did you come from.”
“We fell out the boat and got here.”
“Oh well that means my friends and I are going to hunt you for your stuff.”
“Kids Nancy we got to go now!”
“Wait why.”
“I don’t know why but the people here want to hunt us and we got to go now!” “Come on let’s go in to the juggle before they find us.”
Jason and the family they were off to run away from the hunters. They were having trouble running but luckily each time the hunters get close something separates them.
“Oh grate there’s a bridge.”
“Come on we can get through it I think only one person can go at a time kids you go first then you Nancy then I will go after you.” “Good job kids now it’s your turn go on I will right behind you.”
“Dad the hunters are getting closer!”
“Nancy you’re going to half to run!”
Jason ran like he was on fire on the bridge he was almost there buts the bridge was collapsing so he had to jump for it. He was in the air trying to grab the edge of bridge, he got help with Nancy.
“Come on get up here we need to keep going come on kids let’s get in that cave we can hide in it from them.” It’s getting dark we start to build a fire go see if you guys can find some sticks and rocks.”
“I got the sticks.”
“I will get the rocks”
Here are some good rocks wow everyone get back the entry of the cave is collapsing!”
“Were trap in here there know way getting out here.”
“We will try to find a way out tomorrow there has to be but right now were all tire and worn out we need get some sleep.”
“Ok, kids let’s get some sleep.”
They slept for about 5 hours straight but when they got up they were so hungry and haven’t eat for 3 days and still couldn’t find a way out. They weren’t giving up and tried to take down the rocks, they took a brake and made a fire with their extra wood they had.
“Mom Dad do guys think we’re going to get out of here at all.”
“We don’t yet but were going to try get of here we never give up.”
“Wait did you hear that.”
“1 2 3 Boom.”
“Oh know it’s the hunters.”
The hunters shot them and they cheered.
“We’re not dead it’s just paint Wit what is going on I thought you guys were going to kill us.”
“No were just guys doing an activity from the cruise ship we thought you were too come on we will show you were we set up the buffa.”
“Hey look it’s the captain.”
“We were looking everywhere for you guys where were you guys.”
“We fell off the boat and luckily landed here.”
“Well your safe and help your selves with the food.”
“We are never going back on a cruise again.”
“I agree with that one Nancy so now let’s eat and hopefully we can get home safe”



The author's comments:

this is just a pieace of what i was thinking of as a story when we did this in middle school lauguge arts

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