Soccer Game | Teen Ink

Soccer Game

October 14, 2016
By Anonymous

“Hey over here, pass it over here Johnny” said Jesus to make the final shot in order to win the game. As he is about to kick the soccer ball into the goal, he hears his mother yell “LUNCH IS READY KIDS!” and misses the shot. “Awwwwwww c’mon man you had it” Peter said and Alex looks to Jesus and says” Hahahaha you missed the shot” then Jesus says” hey but we still are tied so maybe next game we'll see who is the best soccer player.” After saying that the shiny soccer ball gleamed as it hit the pricked iron fence and bounced into the side of the bush. Jesus noticed where the ball had gone and predicted that it would have a scratch due to hitting the fence. When Jesus missed the shot he was angry because he wanted to win against Peter and Alex. Jesus went nuts after not scoring so he was very mad about that so he grabbed a pebble and threw it toward the street. As he threw the pebble he hit a car as it was driving down the street. The guy on the car beeped and once they heard the beep the group of kids went inside Jesus house without being seen. The scream of the man was louder than the scream of a girl getting her toy taken away from her.
Later on after eating dinner, it was getting dark so Jesus’s friends left to go home but as they left Alex saw the ball next to the cold bench by the windows. He walked toward the bench after everyone had left and Jesus closed the door. Alex grabbed the glistering ball as if was shined toward the sun and took it home for himself. The next day when Alex woke up he invited everyone except Jesus to play another game. When Peter and Johnny arrived they decided to play another game but a one on one. As they were about to start the game they hear Jesus’s voice from the end of the block saying” Hey guys are you playing a game without me?” As Jesus gets closer he says” Hey have you guys seen my soccer ball from yesterday” and their response is no even though Alex has it. Jesus has no idea that Alex stole the ball so he noticed that Alex bought a new ball and asked him “Where did you get that ball from?” and Alex said “From my brother”. When he got the answer he started to walk home to find the ball. While Jesus walks home he thinks where the ball could have landed yesterday. He started to look at the bushes but it took him a while to look for the ball in the bushes. After looking at the bushes he gets angry because it is not there where he saw it last night. So he ask him mother to see if she saw the ball and she said that she grabbed the ball and put it right next to the bench. So as he walks from the kitchen out to the bench he sees nothing but the bench. Now he is angry as if he had lost a soccer game and sees the ball rolling in the street. As Jesus gets the ball he sees Peter going after it and ask for the ball. When Peter gets to Jesus he says” Hey Jesus that Alex’s ball” and Jesus says” No it’s not it mine do you see a scratch on the ball?” as he is gripping his hands onto the ball leaving with his imprint on it. Then Peter says “Oh yea I remember seeing your ball next to your bench last night.” I’m going to tell my mom to call the cops because of this and he is going to pay. Jesus runs away to his mom and Peter goes back with the ball to tell Alex. Within a few minutes Jesus’s mom calls the cops and they are on Alex’s house. When the cops arrive they look at Alex and said “Are you the kid that stole the ball?” so Alex was scared and nervous that he couldn’t even speak. In the distance Jesus sees the lights and is happy because as he approaches he talks to the cop and tells him that Alex stole his ball. The cop leans over to Alex and ask him to lend over the ball to give back to Jesus. When Jesus gets the ball he laughs so hard that he couldn’t even say a word because Alex had just been pranked. After a few minutes Jesus explains that the police officer is his dad and he just got off work. Everyone laughs and at the end Jesus tells Alex that he shouldn’t steal anything without having permission from the person.

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