All in it | Teen Ink

All in it

October 17, 2016
By NhaomyG BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
NhaomyG BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I occasionally imagined myself sprinting at my fullest speed, my muscles put to work, with a slight jog they would warm up for the energy release that awaited. With full potential I would seize the red ribbon across the finish line. I calculated the speed I would put into every mile I ran until I reached, the fifth mile, the last mile. For the past three months I had been training with such concentration that I could run in my sleep. The next morning I woke, it was February 12, 1992 and the state cross country competition would take place in about a week. John, Michael and I had been practicing our running skills over at Baylor’s running field. The time I didn’t train was spent eating: boiled chickens, fish, raw vegetables, fruit shakes and water. I wanted my body and health to be in its best condition. Time passed by in a blink of an eye and time had arrived, it was the night before the competition. It was twelve o’clock and my eyes remained open and as hard as I tried I couldn’t sleep. Next morning I woke up ready to go, I showered, ate a light breakfast and put on my running equipment. As I arrived at the field my heart began to pound faster and faster, I felt the excitement already. As I began to walk closer to the warm-up area, I saw millions of people ready to cheer on and I also saw my friend and others who would be competing with me. Once Coach Campbell began counting down on announcement saying “the races should approximate themselves to the start line within the next ten minutes”. The start line was invaded with around two hundred runners and that only made me more nervous than what I already was. The start watch began to count down and as second begin to run out I began to place myself in position to blast of. It was time and I ran like I had never ran before, I knew nothing and no one could defeat me, I had been preparing myself for this over the past three months. I didn’t want to lose all energy to I kept a constant past till the big moment at the end. I ran and as I approximated myself to the finish line I could imagine myself reaching the end in first place. As I ran I began to grow closer to the finish line I could see people beginning to get closed to me and my energy was drained like a light bulb running out of watz. I still had faith I could make it so I began to speed up but my legs weren’t collaborating with me, they were weak like a spaghetti tower that could collapse with a diminutive wind blow. All I could remember was hitting the floor fairly hard before I could reach the finish line. When I awoke everything I aimed for banished away but I knew that thing would only be an experience I would learn from. I knew that everything was possible and that not everything would be reached within the first try and maybe failing would be the prospering to reach my goal.  

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