A Walk in the Woods | Teen Ink

A Walk in the Woods

June 8, 2016
By serranomalik BRONZE, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
serranomalik BRONZE, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day I was walking in the woods. I seen an odd shape in the distance behind the playhouse.

I ran home and got my brother to go investigate the object. As we entered the woods we could see something moving inside the playhouse.

We walked real quietly until we reached the tree with the playhouse on it. We could hear a strange noise and an awful smell.

I told my brother to climb the tree and I would follow. Once we reached the playhouse we peered through the window. What we seen was unbelievable.

There was the weirest creature ever. It had long hair all over its body. It was short with big ears and three horns on top its head and one eye on the center of its face.

Oh no he seen us! Jump down, No its to far.

Stop! said the creature. I won't hurt you guys. Holy cow sis, this thing talks.

Please! said the creature. I need your help. What can we do? I lost my ship. Your ship? What on earth are you talking about? My spaceship, it landed over there. Pointing to the other side of the woods.

We all walked over and found it. We helped him inside and he took off.

Wow sis! That was so strange. No one will ever believe what just happened. The end.

The author's comments:

I have a very vivid imagination.

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