The Conveyor | Teen Ink

The Conveyor

May 27, 2016
By eljose BRONZE, Indianapolis Indiana, Indiana
eljose BRONZE, Indianapolis Indiana, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

June 20,1883

That day call you someone a conveyor was voice of concern, seemed desperate, said had a suitcase for transfers, almost never called them for that type of work.

Common, how much does weigh the suitcase did a question?

-pip pip pip

The  someone had hung, had not left his name, but he forgot it. As indeed it had been nothing formal, easily could forgot of the topic.

Evening and a few hours to start the trip in the truck.

Came out of his house and I started to put the other commissions, some were delicate things, vases, mirrors, but others were simple boxes with clothes or soccer balls, when already loaded had all, is got to his house to prepare your clothes for the trip, breakfast, and got some lotion When was I'm out and take your keys the doorbell soon , and since it was close to the door don't take long leave, luckily came to achieve to see the girl running to the corner.

But not followed could do to it, my name is more your attention the suitcase at his feet and the envelope that said your name, the opened and had the money, quantity that cost loading a suitcase also was the address where is would have to deliver, so don't you import see he had in only went forward because the box was full.

The first would have to pass by the gas station, then had little gasoline. Buy some goodies in store service and when is  noto climbed less heavy suitcase. She is worry immediately because thought that it was a robbery. Appeared when a baby, in the seat of to the side with the belt placed and very smiling, could not avoid a leap.

When I get calm , the baby could explain that her mother was trying to take it to his dad, but that was being persiguida by the police and could not leave the State in a car. Although she was a small child he knew very well explain the matter.

And when his eyes were filled of tears the man could not help but say that the lead. Perhaps it was only an impulse but felt that the girl they knew from long ago, if you called the police the mandarin to an orphanage and if I stopped it there probably the happen very badly if it is that not moria.

It was very easy to do what you asked only would that take it to the address and then could forget it all. Followed his way, the little girl barely spoke, surely has indications of his mother to have chided. Como your name?-wonder You me llamo Celia and your as your name I wonder, my name is Frank and Frank is plea, the girl to for his married .

and it took three hours to get to his house and when arrived at the home of Frank the gave him something of comer the girl me boy going to sleep of can stay on the couch... And the next day the girl you is something to eat to Frank and le is your favorite coffee and they oppressed to fish and when volvieron home, that they regarded their house all destroyed and it went to the commissary to power a demand.

And the next day frank is leant, and the look that they were not at home, the wonder where I am, you are in a place you don't have to be but frank I ask not this nothing.

And this will llama on to official so that they were to bring the police asked because the are causing by llebarse the girl to his home. And frank was libido to prison.

The was one day in two hours in the prison came out fast because the former military and the only came out of prison was to agora the girl's that bad people and the girl was sad by frank and the girl hoped that frank was her rescue of these poor people.

And frank the was on way to help the little girl because the wanted as his daughter, the already to look come to the place where I was the girl, but a lot of people it were waiting to fight for the girl the won all for the girl the girl seal llama incognito and they went in a truck for a new House than frank look buyer.

And they came to his house all was well in the Camino it took well to your home and the crisis girl and married and for stayed only but the girl abler ibex lo a best a week, and in control a person for the a help at home.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story because I like the action movies and that me iso write this story

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