The Lost Mother | Teen Ink

The Lost Mother

May 27, 2016
By AniyiahJones BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
AniyiahJones BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mom!” I shouted.
“Where are you?”
As I walked I heard the gun shots getting closer and closer to me.
“Where should I go?” I thought to myself.
I’m all alone, no one to talk to, and I’m scared. As I walked in the woods, it had seemed as if someone was following me. I stopped for a second and looked around; but no one was there. As I started to head home. I saw these guys in all black surrounding the area. I tried to slowly turn around without making a sound but it was too late. He grabbed me by my shoulders and put a bag over my head. I don’t remember what happened after that. All I remember was waking up in this weird looking van chained up to cold metal bars. I was so scared I had no clue what to do next, so I sat there until something popped up in my mind. I had remembered that I always kept a hair pin in my back pocket so I used that to take the cuffs off my wrist. Five minutes later and the cuffs were off. I got up and opened the door from the back of the van and jumped off. It was so dark I couldn’t see what was in front of me. I yelled as loud as I could.
But no one heard me.
“HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!” I shouted again.
It was hopeless, I was never getting out of here and I’m going to die here alone. As I was walking I heard a loud noise. It sounds as if it was a truck or something. I sat there silent not making a sound until I saw bright lights flashing at me. I saw two guys in all black running towards me.
“Not again”
I thought to myself. I started running away as fast as I could until I felt one bullet go threw  my leg and another threw my rib.
I shouted as I started to hit the ground, feeling the blood leak out of  my body.  The two men walked over to me and started beating me in my face. They punched  and kicked me in my stomach until I couldn’t take it anymore. My eyes started to close and it was over.
I woke up later on that day tied up to a chair with lights flashing at me. It had seemed as if I had been in some type of garage or something. There were three surrounding me. They asked me who I worked for and I told them no one. One of the men came up to me and punched me in the face.
“Who do you work for!?” he asked again.
“I don’t work for anyone please just let me go” I insisted.
Minutes went on then some guy with all red came out of this big door with body guards. He walked over to me; pulled out a pocket knife and stabbed me really hard in my leg.
“AHHH!” I shouted.
“Are you looking for this woman?”
He asked; as one of his body guards drug my mother into the room.
“ROSE!” My mom shouted back.
“Your mom was part of a business deal and she didn’t give me all of my money so I have to kill her.” The man in the red shirt said.
“NO PLEASE!” I insisted.
“But since you’re both here; you and your mother can suffer together.”
The three men walked over to me and punched me in the face and stomach. I had seen of the men with gas and he had poured it on me. I had looked over and seen my mother  tied up to a poll getting whipped as hard as I could ever imagine. I said to myself
“Why don’t I just die already”
As he whipped my mother I just cried and cried because there was nothing I could do to save her. My mother was like my best friend. We had a very good connection. If  I lost her I wouldn’t know what to do anymore. My life would be pointless. As they dragged my mother to the floor, my other screamed and begged for mercy. She laid there with blood dripping from her body until she stopped crying.
“I think my mother is dead” I thought to myself.
They through me on the ground right next to my mother and pulled out big AK 47’s. I told my mother I loved her and grabbed her hand. After that moment bullets went through our bodies. That was the last thing I saw.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this story was Pretty Little Liars. It inspired me because they were trying to find out who kidnapped their friend and they were going to do whatever it takes to get their friend back.

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