Peaking Over Peaks | Teen Ink

Peaking Over Peaks

May 27, 2016
By ChaseKelley BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
ChaseKelley BRONZE, Mattawan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Whoosh” my backpack glided straight towards my face hitting me smack dab in the nose.  

“Owww” I angrily muttered as I pushed myself up from my sleeping bag.  Once I was finally standing, my tent began to swing back and forth and a cold shiver went down my spine.  I unzipped my thin fabric that I called a door and peered outside.  The morning sun was blinding but I still saw the tall, daunting peaks that stood behind my tent.  Attempting not to look down,  my eyes looked to my left and saw the small pulley system that held me from plummeting to my death.  The moment when my tent began to shake I shot towards the floor of my tent and did not dare get up.
             My small neon green tent was just about seven feet long and a few feet wide.  Stuff was sprawled out all across my tent making it look like a tornado blasted through it.  Something was wrong with the zipper on my door because the door could not close fully, constantly making me annoyed.  I decided it was time to get moving again so I called James and Brooklyn through the frost covered walkie talkie. 
“James, Brooklyn!  It’stime to get uppp.”
“I know” Brooklyn scoffed in her most dramatic voice.
Pulling myself from my tent, I clung to the rope that controlled my fate.  Taking down my tent I noticed James was already packed with his tent taken down and ready to go.  
I was relieved when we reached nearly flat land again.  The crisp, cool snowflakes dusted my face as we began trudging along the daunting cliffs.  My backpack felt like a one thousand pound weight, forcing me to lean forward looking like a troll.   Climbing up the harsh terrain I pondered if we really would reach the top of the mountain today.  I was so excited to see the amazing view and know I conquered the great Mount Everest.  My condition kept deteriorating as the climbing became harsher and harsher.  Freezing from head to toe I began thinking I had hypothermia.  I look down at my orange/plume colored North Face coat and my super thick dull dark grey pants and wondered if they were doing any good.
Standing at the bottom of the snow peak I cried a little inside thinking of how long trudging up this peak would take.  The almost stair-like hill took forever to climb and when we were about 75% up we took a break.  Wanting to take a nap I lay on the cold ground giving James and Brooklyn my this-better-be-worth-it face. 
“Boom, Crack, Bang!”
I looked up and saw snow rushing at me!  Jumping to my feet, I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me down the steep hill.  The white blobs of snow rushed at us with full force.  I folded my hands and prayed that none of us would die.  When I had almost reached the bottom of the hill I was struck with a giant ball of snow.  Heart pounding, eyes closing, as I began to lose consciousness from the ferocious hit..
“Denver get up, get up!” James screamed as he ran towards me.  He picked me up and sprinted with me and that's when I lost consciousness. 
Waking up was a nightmare, everything hurt from my head to my toes.  I struggled to get up and move, yet alone climb a mountain.  Laying on the cold ground I wished that I could be in a nice warm bed. 
“Come on Denver, we gotta get going.” James pleaded.
I stood up, my clothes covered with frost. 
“Hurry up,” James said, obviously annoyed.  The sudden movement made me dizzy which ended with me collapsing on the ground covering my face with snow.  I stood up again and tried to keep my balance.  Up here, one wrong step was your life.  Brooklyn took my backpack and we began moving again. 
I was trudging along the side of the cliff, the crisp cool wind freezing my face.  It was a beautiful view, the sun going down over the mountain peaks.  The white snow atop the mountains looked like a cherry on top of an ice cream sundae.  The snowy breeze whipped and whirled around my face, sending white blurs everywhere.  Blinding me, the bright orange sun slowly disappeared behind the tallest peaks. 
I was walking and the terrain repeatedly tripped me as I dug my feet into the chilling snow.  We were on a very narrow patch of terrain when the snow started collapsing and the entire patch of terrain began to fall.  I sprinted as fast as my legs could carry me to safe, sturdy, land and only prayed that the others would make it.  Mainly the patch to the right was falling, so I veered myself to the left.  The land continued to fall mercilessly leaving us with little space to escape.  James tripped and fell onto the snow and the land under him was slowly dropping piece by piece.  He clung onto the stray land and I ran towards him.  His hands were trembling and I couldn't grasp them. I swung at his hand finally grabbing him and dragging him towards the sturdy land and let go.   He slowly stood up shaken by the experience and said to continue moving.  Brooklyn, calm and collected, continued walking at a steady pace. 
The night was darkening by the minute and I was determined to make it.  We were only a few hundred yards left and I refused to stop now.  Climbing and climbing and climbing until finally we completed our mission.  The view was absolutely stunning.  I knew the journey was worth it.  The American Flag, a symbol that they completed their mission, was slammed into the snowy ground making a whooshing sound as the air blew through it.

The author's comments:

Denver, James, and Brooklyn our on a expedition to conquer the great Mount Everest!  Anything can happen from avalanches to land collasping under there feet.  This mission is not just risking there lives it's risking everything.

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