HomeGirlz | Teen Ink


May 24, 2016
By Anonymous

The week has passed quickly “Tonight is the night. So we have to be ready or we’ll all going down,” I say fearfully.
Me and the gang head out to the car with the gang ready to go. The new girl seems scared but what can I say. Who wouldn’t be scared in a gun fight? This is life or death, and not everyone is going to make it. Someone is going to fall.
“We are about to be there, everyone ready”? Pj says.
“We are ready”. I say with a crack in my voice.
We get our guns ready as pj pulls on around back of where LA.
We are here and the first this I see as we pull up is LA and his gang standing there smocking and laughing this was the perfect time and we were ready. We pull up a little closer and get ready to fire. Then the first shot is fire bang, bang, bang then we all get out the car shooting watching some of them shoot back some of them run and some of them drop. The whole time I pay attention to LA shooting at him over and over but he still hasn’t fallen I get closer and closer then out of nowhere I fell blood coming out of my leg I’ve been shoot I fall and  keep shooting over and over as I yell for help.
I’ve been shoot Help! Help!   
Me and the gang split up so we can get the others the gang leaves me with the new girl as I sit on the ground yelling for help she just stands there and does nothing then out of nowhere she run’s as the shot at her and gets in one of the cars and start to drive off I am alone with people shooting at men but I still shoot the gun and right then and there was the perfect shoot it hit LA right in head. The kill shot I watch him fall down as haven runs over to me and helps me up and puts me in the car.
“Where is the new girl?” haven asked.
“I don’t know she just drove off when I got shot, “I said.
“She left you there alone,” said Haven.
“Yeah” I say with another crack in my voice.
“We have to tell PJ that’s one of the number one rules “haven says
We rush over to switch into PJ car and PJ drive real fast and haven try’s to cover up the spot where I got shot as I tell PJ what happens then out of nowhere Kyla and faith hop in the car with tweezers, needle and rope and some wrap for my leg.
“What is going on? What are you doing?” I say trying not to cry.
“We have to do this we can’t go to the hospital or they will know something is up or something happened we have to do this our self’s faith” says. 
“Ok so we need you to calm down I have to take the bullet out and wrap it up” Kyla says with fearfully.
I scream in pain as Kyla grabs the bullet out of my leg with the tweezers and close it up with the needle and rope and hurry ups and wraps it up. Next thing I know I’m getting dizzy and falling asleep. Then I end up in bed know. I’m waking up in the bed my leg still hurts little and I see everyone around me waking for me to get up like something happen.
“How do you feel sky?” Kyla says with a small smile on her face.
“I fell ok” I say as I lean up a little in bed.
“Well you know today if your brother’s funeral do you feel like you can come” faith says.
Yeah I do “I say”.
“Well good because we think he would want you to come and we did what he had to do LA is dead BUT the doesn’t mean everyone is they are still coming for us and we have to be ready but until them let’s do what we have to do but let’s get ready for you brother” PJ says.
We won the battle either way I killed person who killed my brother so I got what I want. We will be good for now but 4-1-0 will be back for these we will sit back and wait but for now we are going to have a good time.

The author's comments:

a 10 year old boy has benn shoot by is sisters rival gang and his sister finds out and go find them and kill them but the new girl gets to come with them for the first time and something might go wrong

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