the tiger girls | Teen Ink

the tiger girls

May 20, 2016
By tigerlover BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
tigerlover BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started when Professor Kim and his wife Lucy first realized that they can create daughters with animal blood and human blood with of course a hint of unicorn magic. Kim had already had two of the three ingredients to make the amazing daughter come to life, he had human blood and a pet unicorn Professor Kim had named tiny but Kim had to find the perfect animal to create the girls.
After about three years Kim and Lucy had found the perfect animal to use they chose a cheetah witch would be able to run faster than the speed of light they planned to name her Cheat fore she had chaeta blood in her, they also chose a lion so that she can always tell the truth the couple named her Lioen since she was made from the blood of a lion. At first the couple thought that it would be very easy to create the girls but then they learned that it was not easy as they thought because before they even got close to making the girls they had already had 1,365 failed attempts but they were also running out of ingredients to make the girls.
Once again three more years passed but that was not all that passed while in the proses of creating the girls the wife Lucy died of blood loss, but happy things also happened Kim had made both girls Cheat and Lioen. After a couple of years the silent girls went outside and attempted their powers cheat decided to run but during that time she accidently ran into a wall. Lioen on the other hand knew about her powers but she was so happy she told a lie and for an hour she was a baby lion and during this time she was very scared and worried that she would not turn back into a human.
Now after four years the dad was ready to send the girls to school but what grade he knew they were too old to go to elementary school and too young to go to high school but junior high was just perfect. Now once they got registered many strange things started to happen. “So girls hear we are at your new school” said Kim “are you girls excited for your first day in junior high “. “I guess “said Lione. “Yes I’m very excited dad I just wish mom can see us now” said Cheat. “Ok girls go to school I hope it’s a good day” said Kim. “Ok dad love you” said both Cheat and Lione.  Once the girls got inside their school they knew that they weren’t the only one who had animal blood in them because right when they got into the door an older kid named Slithrene talked in an accent like she was part snake it sounded like this hi my name is Slithrene, it was really messed up to both lione and cheat.
Now after six years we come on with cheat and lione way of going home on a nice summer day.” Ahhhhhh cheat stop running” yelled lione. “Never this too much fun lione stop beaing a loner” screamed back cheat. “Ok I guess” said lione. Once they got back to their house Kim told the girls that he was thinking and he wanted to make the girls into a super hero teem. “Oh cool” said cheat.  “Wow” whispered lione. “What well our team name be “asked cheat.” Well girls our name will be the tiger girls because you know that your mother would of done that to manly because her favorite animal was a tiger” Kim told the girls. “That’s the perfect name but do we need to train for this or not” asked cheat. “No cheat we will not train but we need to go anywhere there is trouble”anserd Kim. “Ok I get it dad so can I go check if there is any trouble in the world” asked cheat. “Yes Cheat you can go around the world only if you bring lione” answered Kim. “WHAT!!!! I don’t want to go dad she runs way to fast and I don’t want to get wet when she is over the ocean please dad don’t make me go” lione said. “Yah dad she always ruins the fun don’t make her go I can do it all by myself dad” cheat said.”Ok girls cheat you can go by yourself…”Kim half said “Yes “cheat whispered.” And lione you can stay here with me ok girls” Kim said. “Ok dad we got it” said both the girls.
Then in one second cheat ran away to see if there was any trouble in the world at this time she found three things she could help the first one was a kitten stuck in a tree the second a small house fire the three was a robbery but then she saw Slithrene making a long maze so cheat decided to investigate but when she got in she was trapped in a cage Slithrene had built to capture all of the tiger girls.” Hay let me out” cheat yelled”. “Ha never why would I ever do that cheat”. And while this was happing at the home cheat and lione and Kim lived. “Dad” lione yelled. “Yes lione what’s wrong honey” Kim asked. “Cheat she’s in trouble dad we need to help her” Lione said.” Let’s go”. Hours later lione and Kim finally found where cheat was and fell into the trap as well. “Ha now that I have you all stuck in my little trap I can control you at least if you are still in my maze ha” Slithrene said. Then a gate open and then cheat lione and Kim ran through the maze but they fell raised went left and went right but couldn’t find the exit.
Now cheat ran through the maze she turned left then standing there was Slithrene standing there lapping but she did not see cheat. “Hahaha you think you can out run my maze tiger girls. Hay where’s cheat? “Said Slithrene. “Right behind you Slithrene, I’m ready to take back my freedom we are not your little hamsters stuck in a maze you can’t hold us here” quoted cheat. “WHAT! Cheat so you want it the hard way do you well I’m ready fore it cheat I’m ready” answered Slithrene. Now after 3 minutes of reselling cheat tied up Slithrene to a chair. “How did you do that so fast cheat how?” said Slithrene. “I did that because I’m the fastest human alive” answered cheat.  That quote that cheat just said was the last words Slithrene ever heard from cheat or the other girls again. The end

The author's comments:

i was inspired to write this story because i am verry instred in big cats. 

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