The bad night | Teen Ink

The bad night

May 19, 2016
By Anonymous

It was a dark and stormy night, my parents were gone and I invited my friend jimmy over. He was, 13, very tall and he was a ginger; he had freckles all over his face and his hair was blood red with a bit of dandruf sprinkled on top of his head. We were very bored and had nothing to do so our beast idea was to make prank calls. I was an expert at pranks calls on the other hand jimmy had never done prank calls so I did a few demonstrations on Walmart, Walgreens, and Publix. He thought he got the hang of it so he just typed a random number.
A man with a very deep raspy voice answered “hello?”
“Hi jimmy said in between giggles is this the pizza place?”
It was silent on the other line until the man responded saying “Jimmy don’t prank call or else.”
Jimmy fumbled the phone ending the call as quick as possible we just looked at each other but we both knew how did he know our name? Did jimmies name show up? We were shocked and kind of scared we did research on Jimmy, but he was too young to be on any information websites so we were baffled.

We were still paranoid but we turned on a movie any we tried to ignore it. A couple of hours past and we had completely forgot about the situation and we were just watching a movie having a great time until… we heard a knock at the door. Who would be knocking at midnight? Was it my parents?
We then heard screaming to open the door it sounded like two men, so I went to look through the blinds I cracked the blinds open and someone was standing right there. His eyes met me and he stole my soul I was speechless I told jimmy and we hid in my parents closet on the 2nd floor. We heard the banging and screaming end just as we got hope we heard glass shatter they were in our house.
One man went upstairs saying “is this the pizza place? where is the pizza man?”
Questions were racing through our mind Jimmy being the smart called 911 he told them everything and he was to stay on the line with the operater. He must have been talking to loud the man walked in and went straight to the closet. He had jimmy in a choke he was turning purple I tried to find the sharpest thing there was a screwdriver on the nightstand I stabbed the man and he screamed in agony!
We went and ran downstairs we tried to avoid the man I avoided the man jimmy did not I did not even think twice I kept running and forgot about jimmy but I did not care I went into the woods and just sat there breathing very heavy I did not know what to do. I was alone cold and scared. I heard sirens In the distance my hopes were raised and I was happy.
The Police searched the whole place and found nothing except jimmy’s dead body and spelled near his body was pizza man in blood. I started crying and I did not know what to do. That moment haunted me forever I never pranked called or ate pizza again.

The author's comments:

its dope

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