Dogfight | Teen Ink


May 18, 2016
By eileenmh123 BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
eileenmh123 BRONZE, Batavia, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Munch, munch, munch went the dog as he gobbled up his entire bowl of food.
“Buddy? Are you ready for your walk?”
Said the dog’s owner as she grabbed his leash. He immediately ran from his bowl of food to the door, jumping up and down excitedly as his owner hooked on his leash. The dog’s name was Buddy. Up until now, he has lived a happy life with his owner in a nice, comfy house on the outskirts of downtown Chicago. He had plenty of friends to play with at the dog park, such as Sniffer (a large and fluffy black dog with an incredible sense of smell), Digger (a dog about Buddy’s size who had dirty brown fur because he dumpster dived all of the time), and Princess (a stray white cat who could help Buddy out of any situation).

Buddy hated cats, but Princess was his only exception. All of his friends decided to give him the nickname “Black Hole” because he ate as much as a dog could, and he would always be hungry afterward. Together, there was nothing the four of them couldn’t accomplish. He loved his friends and cared for them a lot, but the one thing he cared for the most was his owner. She was kind, sweet, and feed him as much food as he wanted. Buddy’s life was perfect. But there would soon come a day when everything would change for him.

It was a beautiful sunny day in Chicago, and Buddy was waiting by the door for his owner to come home. He would sit there all day if he had to. When his owner finally came home, the first thing he noticed is that she brought in a large brown box and set it gently on the floor.
“What in the world is that?” Buddy thought as he walked in circles around the box.
“Oh Buddy! You silly dog!” His owner said as she petted the black fur on his head. “You want to see what I got, boy?”
“Bark! Bark!” Buddy answered. “Okay! Here we go!”. She opened up the large box and pulled something out. She set in on the floor in front of Buddy, and all he could do was stare. What she pulled out of that box was large, shiny, and silver, and the worst part was that it looked exactly like a dog. Buddy looked at his owner in confusion. Why would she buy this toy dog when she already has a dog?
“Tada! Buddy, I would like to introduce you to your new friend, Bozo!” His owner said as she reached over and switched him on.

“Say hi Bozo!”
“Hello there!” Said the robot dog. That was only the beginning of the  strange day that happened at Buddy’s house. The robot could do so many thing he couldn’t do such as clean the house, open windows and doors with a robotic hand that popped out of his back, and cook gourmet food for the owner. This started to worry Buddy, so he decided to round up his friends and meet them at the park that night. He brought along some dog food to keep him from being hungry. When they got together, Buddy told them the whole story. His friends were shocked at what he told them. “This dog could do so many amazing things! And all I can do is eat and sleep! I’m starting to worry that my owner won’t need me anymore, and that she would replace me with that toy!” Buddy said with a worried tone.

“Your owner replacing you? That would never happen!” Sniffer said.
“Yeah! She cares for you more than anything in the world! Why would she want to replace you?” Digger added as he was diving inside the trashcan.
“I really don’t know. That toy can do so many good things for my owner, and soon enough she won’t need me anymore and leave me in the dirt. I might as well give up now and try and find a box to live in on the street.”
“Now don’t say that, Buddy!” Princess said, trying to cheer up her friend. “You have got to keep your chin up! Things will get better. And if they don’t, you can let us know if you ever need any help. We will be there for you big guy!”. Buddy smiled at this. He realized his best friends will be there for him through thick and thin no matter what. He could count on them if there was ever any trouble.
“Thanks guys. See you tomorrow!” Buddy said as he headed home. His friends were right. The next day would be better! All he had to do was keep his chin up and he would be fine.

But things didn’t get better when the next day came around. Things only got worse. Throughout the day, Buddy has noticed some rather suspicious things about this robot dog. Whenever the owner wasn’t looking, Bozo would glare at Buddy. Buddy tried to get his owners attention when this happened, but she wouldn’t notice. Bozo kept this up all day long, and when the owner was leaving to go to the store, she left both Bozo and Buddy home alone. “Bye boys! Have fun!” The owner said as she closed the door. Bozo and Buddy stared at each other in silence. Buddy was upset that this robot dog was being rude to him, so he decided to set this dog straight.
“Hey Bozo, what’s the big idea? Why were you glaring at me? Are you jealous of me because I’m a real dog and you are made up of nuts and bolts?”
“Not at all. In fact, I think you are the one who is jealous of me”.

Buddy was shocked to hear this, and he began to growl at him. “Me? Jealous of you? Ha! I am way better than you by a long shot! Unlike you, I am a real dog! I would rather be alive than being trapped inside of some lifeless husk you call a body!”. Bozo stayed silent for a moment, staring down at his metal paws. Buddy then realized he may have been a little harsh to Bozo. “Hey, are you feeling alright?” Buddy said as he walked a little closer to the dog. Suddenly, the robot dog’s head shot up, and he hit Buddy right in the face! “Yipe!” Buddy said, squeaking in pain. “Why you little..!”. Buddy then began to chase Bozo all around the house. Bozo laughed as he out ran his chaser. The two dogs wrecked everything in the house as they chased one another. They destroyed the couch, the wrecked the table, tore up the couch, and broke picture frames. Bozo wanted to see how far Buddy would chase him, so he ran toward the window, and jumped right out of it! Buddy didn’t hesitate for a moment. He jumped out and began chasing Bozo through the streets of Chicago. They ran through streets, parking lots, fast food restaurants, and all kinds of places.

They ran so fast that they even knocked over people! They ran and ran, and Buddy would not not until he has destroyed this piece of metal his owner calls a dog. Buddy was so focused on this, that he didn’t realize that Bozo was leading his straight to the dog pound! When they ran inside, Bozo ran right into a cage, and Buddy went in after him. Before he knew it, the door was locked behind Buddy, and he was trapped behind bars. “Hey! What the big idea?! Why did you lock me in here?!” Buddy yelled as he tried to find a way out. Bozo looked at him and laughed. “The reason why is because I didn’t want you getting in the way. You see, people all over Chicago are buying robot dogs as new pets. We pretend to be nice by doing good things for them around the house, and we also make the other dogs in the house look lazy. Eventually, the owner will get tired of their original dogs, so they lock them up in the pound! And now that you are out of the way, there will be no one stopping the robot dogs from taking over!” Bozo said in a devious way.

Buddy couldn’t believe it. This thing was going to take over Chicago, and there was nothing he could do to stop him. “You can’t do this!” Buddy yelled. “Oh yes I can! So be a good little dog, and don’t go anywhere! Well, it’s not like you have a choice!”. As Bozo began to leave, Buddy called out to him again. “Wait! What if I owner notices I’m gone? Then what will you do?” Buddy yelled to him. “Oh, I will tell he that you just went to the park. She will never know where you really are!”. Bozo then slammed the door behind him. Buddy didn’t know what to do. He was cold, alone, and afraid in this horrible place. He will probably never see his owner again. So he sat down and fell asleep, trying his best to think of something. Little did he know that someone was watching this whole thing unfold. In a tree next to the dog pound, there sat a pair of bright yellow eyes. The pair of eyes belonged to a cat, and that was Buddy’s best friend, Princess.

“It was just horrible I tell you! Horrible! That monster threw Buddy in a cage and left him all alone!”
“Well, we can’t just leave him in there! We gotta do something!” Sniffer said.
“I say we break in!” Digger said, diving in another trash can. Princess knew that they couldn’t leave Buddy in there, so they decided to find a way to free their trapped friend.

As Buddy lay there counting by the hours, he wondered if his owner will ever notice he is gone. Will she be worried? Will he ever see his friends again? What will happen when the robot dogs take over Chicago? Just then, he heard something or someone walking down the hallway. When he looked up, Buddy saw his 3 friends standing in front of his cage. “Guys! What are you doing here?!” Buddy said in excitement.
“Princess told us you were in here!” Digger said.
“Yeah! She told us about Bozo and his evil plan! So we came here to see if we can do something about it!” Sniffer said as he took the keys from the security room. The moment Sniffer unlocked the door, the small TV in the security was switched to an emergency broadcast.
“Attention everyone! This is an emergency broadcast! The popular robot dogs that everyone has been buying has turned against us! They are kidnapping people all over town! And by the looks of it, most of the robots seem to be heading toward the mayor's building, and he will be captured next! I fear I may be captured too, so whoever is hearing this, please help!” The reporter said as the broadcast suddenly turned off.

Buddy knew he had to do something. He immediately grabbed the keys off the ground, and began unlocking all of the dog pound cages to set the dogs free. “What are you doing Buddy?” Princess said.
“If those robot dogs want a fight, then we will give them one!”
Buddy then rounded up his friends, and all of the rest of the dogs in the pound, and they began to devise a plan. When they finished planning, they ran out of the pound, and onto the streets of Chicago, and that’s when they saw a terrible sight. The entire city was wrecked. Cars were overturned, windows were smashed, and there were no people anywhere to be seen. As the group moved further down the street, they spotted the robot dogs, just waiting there. Buddy let out a howl, and the battle began. Dogs were smashing the robot dogs to pieces, Buddy’s friends worked together to destroy every single one, and it was a total frenzy of chaos.
Buddy was running through the crown, looking for Bozo to destroy him. When he saw Bozo, he was running toward the mayor's building. Buddy had to stop him fast. He ran up to Bozo, and knocked him right off his feet! Bozo, wobbling and shaking, slowly got to his feet and gared at Buddy. “Oh, look who it is! The little dog decided to come back!” Bozo said angrily. Buddy didn’t hesitate. He ran toward Bozo, and began hitting him as hard as he could. Bozo was strong, but he was no match for Buddy. He hit him, he smashed him, he threw him against walls, and then, for the finishing blow, he hit Bozo right in the eyes! Bozo fell with a thud, and so did all of the other robot dogs. They were gone. Buddy would be named a hero for saving Chicago. His friends were proud, and so was his owner. She vowed from that day on, she would never replace her best friend in the world!

The author's comments:

Buddy the dog was living a happy life and everything was just fine until his owner brought in a robot dog from the store. Now Buddy and his friends need to figure out what this robot dog is planning.

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