The Cycle of Death | Teen Ink

The Cycle of Death

May 16, 2016
By nzimmer36 BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
nzimmer36 BRONZE, Granger, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clouds blanket the sky like darkness. I see the steeples of the chapel pierce the heavens like two razor-sharp lances from outside. My torturous journey has finally brought me to this. I’ve left destruction in my path behind me, and I feel that more awaits me to come.
My body is a corpse, only animated for the purpose of determination. I’ve absorbed the other souls of those that I’ve killed, but they are only temporary. Even now, my humanity seems to be slipping away. In a sudden spark of urgency, I walk through the fog, unaware of what I’ll see next.
Two figures, both armored in some sort of golden metal. The tiny one braces his halberd in one hand, and directs his gaze at me. His armour resembles a lion, quick and fierce. The other one is a brooding force, towering over his partner. His armor resembles a behemoth of a man, and he wields his mighty hammer. These two are the ones I was warned about from the start of my journey in this city. The Executioner, with his mighty hammer, and the Dragonslayer, unmatched throughout the land with a spear.
In an instant, the dragonslayer lunges and strikes with quick succession. I roll to the side in order to counter the attack. I don’t know their attacks, so I expect the worst, and so the worst I get.
Within an instant, I feel my vertebrae snap from my spine, my skull splitting open, and my legs being planted in the ground. My vision goes dark as the executioner unexpectedly smashes my corpse with his mighty strength. My humanity slowly escapes my soul, and my power is lost.
I wake up next to the bonfire at which I rested at before the battle. I can feel my soul hollow and wither even more than it already has. The only reason I’m still here is because of my curse. I cannot die until my purpose is lost. I’ll be stuck here forever until I can get it right.
“Welcome to hell”, I moan to myself as I turn to look at the city. The chapel still menacingly looms over me in the distance.

The author's comments:

Stress through high school is the WORST. The cycle of death is sometimes what I feel like on the inside.

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on May. 20 2016 at 2:13 pm
LitleDaley62 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
GO NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!