Option 1 | Teen Ink

Option 1

May 16, 2016
By Anonymous

    After arriving to where josh had his accident and him wanting me to pick him up and drive away I quickly realized how much trouble I can get in for doing this. I scanned the area for any other possible vehicles that could have been involved in the accident, but I saw nothing. I allowed him to get in my car, he reeked of alcohol and Gas. We made our way down the road and I saw headlights shining through a bush. I got out of my car and made way toward the bush where the headlights were shining through. As I approached the car I  heard some silent and faint “hellos” I shouted “is there anyone in there?” someone screamed “please help” I walked towards them but didn't know what to do. So I ran to Josh and asked him one more time if there were any other people involved in the car accident. He swore he did not know I was very angry at this point. Josh had hurt someone! And lied! I ran back to car. I looked through the window and saw no one. I stood there I'm confusion. After a few seconds of standing there and looking I saw a foot sticking out from behind the car. I walked to back and there was a middle aged man. I asked him his name but he did not respond. I quickly called 911 but Josh heard me reporting it and rushed to me. He grabbed my phone and pushed me down and threatened to hurt me. I was scared. I told him that we had to help the man but Josh said it was either him or the man. I didn't know what to do. I contemplated


my situation for a few minutes as we all sat there in silence. After a few minutes I realized what had to be done. I was not gonna let this man die in front of me If I knew I can could help him! I got up and shouted in anger at Josh I have never done this before and Josh quickly realized I was serious and not in the mood! so he began to back off. I picked the man off the ground and we made our way towards the road. As we approached the road. A huge force of explosion from behind us made us fly straight into the road. As I gained my consciousness back I stood back up and saw that the car exploded and Josh was near it. I panicked, Josh was nowhere to be found and I shouted at the top of my lungs but no reply.  I fell to my knees. I could not believe what had just happened. Was Josh really gone? I stood in disbelief the world was silent. The man was bleeding out continuously and I had no willpower to stop it. I just lost the last person who meant something to me, and showed they cared and loved me. But before I knew it. The world was bright and the deafening sound of sirens and bright lights were surrounding the man and I. Everyone was asking questions as to what had just happened but i was speechless. I had had nothing to say for this. I couldn't even shed a tear because I was in shock and didn't know what to do and they expected me to be able to answer question!? They rushed us to hospital to check on us and save the man's life. But after a while the man was seriously injured and before they knew he was bleeding out and they could not save him. Now I know I sound selfish when I say this, but I feel like that was work I just  did was for nothing That's the night I found no reason to be alive. And that's the night I quickly decided, without hesitation. To take mine.


The author's comments:

This peice was inspired from my pervious piece because it is also very crazy and fast paced.

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