Malaya | Teen Ink


May 6, 2016
By LBlizzard BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
LBlizzard BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

(Lara Blizzard)
    It was a cold starry night in the Philippians and the wind combed the trees leaves so gently that the leaves didn’t feel a thing. The clouds covered the moons eye and the stars gave light to earth. The breeze made the place warm and cold like a hurricane. The flowers shared pollen and the bees fought over who got into the hive first. Sharing the fragrance I closed my green eyes and let the wind take me away.  
     I sat as the wind brushed my brown wavy hair and I fell into the green grass and let it tickle me. Flowers brushed my nose and the fragrance on my nose tickled my nose for the longest time until I heard a soft voice call in the distance. 
“Malaya, Its time.” Said a young voice.
  “Bagwis. Will you walk with me?” I asked. As I get up tears roll down my soft plump face. We grab our stuff and head towards the docks. As soon we board the docks the guard there said “Separate genders miss.”
    “But he’s only three!”I yelled. But they didn’t mind my voice they just took him out of my grasp and took him to another ship. I watched them take him. They tied him arms to the pole of the ship and slit his throat and threw him into the river. I screamed in horror and saw his grey eyes one more time. The boat sailed away and I cried all the way to the United States.
  We got to our slave owner and she took us in. My mama asked “So where do we sleep?” The woman had nice soft comforting eyes and she said “Up the stairs, I will show you.”
   The woman showed us our room and said “Make yourself at home and I’ll be back with dinner” then she was gone in a flash and left us in the dust.
  One afternoon while everyone was out and me and Bagwis my dog where out picking strawberries and a man came up to us and put a sack over my head. That’s when the world went black and I felt like I was dead.
   A bright white light shown on my face and I thought I was blind, but the same booming voice said “What is your name?”
    “M-m-Malaya.” I said in a shaky voice.
    “Your mine now and will do whatever I ask” It boomed. I shake in my chair and pray to the lord that I was safe then the man told me that where I was is my room. While I was asleep I hear the fire burning oak wood fiercely that it made a fierce hissing sound.
   “Time to burn a mark on you like the others.” He said I a laughing matter. I flash my eyes open and see the burning rod with an M symbol on it. I scramble in my chair to get away. He was aiming for my left shoulder.
  “Come back Malaya.” He said in a raging voice and anger in his eyes. My chair tipped and I fell. The fire stung and burned. Tears fell down my face as I screamed in pain and the burning got worse and worse. I screamed I pain but then it turned into rage and I felt it all throughout my veins. I was so angry that I broke the ropes and threw him off me and burned him. Aiming right for his scull I press as hard as I can and push to the other end and killed him. Sweat running down my face. Burning in my left shoulder. Pain and anger filling my head making me break down the door and run away in tears knowing I’ll never see my family again.
   I found Bagwis and we headed for the docks. The wind healed my aching pain and cooled me down and dried my tears. Finding the docks I ran the water and bathed myself. Wondering if I should run and just go back to the Philippines. So I left a trail because I knew my way back left a note and went back to the docks to find a boat.
  An old man came to the docks with a bucket of fish and a canoe. I kindly asked the man if I could use the boat to run away. Luckily he was a slave too and said “Send me a message when you get there.” He sorrowfully said and smiled. I haven’t seen a smile in a week. I take the paddle and the canoe and fly away.
    I made sure to pack a years’ worth of snacks because I didn’t know how long this journey would be. The water was wide and full of beautiful fish. The wind blew a cold breeze in my face and the air smelled like sea water and salt. I prattled the boat and Bagwis laid on one of the seats on the boat. I stopped to sleep for the night and I cried under the stars.

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