Travis´s First Day At His New Scool | Teen Ink

Travis´s First Day At His New Scool

January 28, 2016
By JoeyM BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
JoeyM BRONZE, Holmdel, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Beep! Beep!
“Come on Travis you will be late for your first day of school!”
Travis got out of bed and got his school bag and rushed out the door for the bus. Travis just made it to the bus on time, Travis saw his best friend Billy sitting in the back of the bus so Travis sat next to him. Billy says,
“WOW I can't believe we are already in the third year of high school! But did you bring your pokemon cards, because I wanted to battle you when we get to school. Travis was not always one of the coolest kids of his grade, but this year he will hate most of all. Travis always played pokemon with his friends last year, and mostly everyone loved to play it, even his new friend they met at summer camp and that was the summer Travis moved to Toronto,Canada, and he has a new school to, where not so many people like pokemon.
“Come on Travis I will show you around your new school”.
Billy and Travis were wandering around the school showing each other everything and that was when the “Busters” came. The Busters are a group of delinquents who always cause trouble. “ Come on Travis let’s go this way.” The tallest of the Busters “Jared” was walking toward Travis and Billy,
“Hey what do you have for me today Billy?
Billy said “I'm sorry I don't have anything, I left it all in my locker.”
Jared turned and looked at Travis,
“What do have in the bag fatty?”
“Nothing, now go away from me! Travis said”
Jared says, “Guys Take his bag.”
Jared and his gang were looking through Travis’s bag and that was when he saw those pokemon cards.
“Hey what are these, nerd cards, said one of the busters”
Jared says
“Haha, what is wrong with this kid, no one likes these baby cards, and I bet you don't have anyone to play with except this loser “Billy”.
Jared says,
“come on guys lets get out of here”
Travis says,
“ Hey man, what just happened, and who are they?
Billy replies,
“In this school they are called as the Busters, and they do whatever they want. I heard they once spray painted the principal's car, and no one did a thing about it.”
Travis said,
“Well I think someone should something about it, and we're going to be those people!”
“Come on Billy let's go to class.”
After school Billy and Travis met at Billy’s house. Billy and Travis were going over a plan that they were going to pull a prank on the busters, and give them a taste of there own medicine. When Travis and Billy go to school tomorrow they are going to pull the prank on the busters in the middle of the gym where everyone will see them, and it will humiliate them. Travis and Billy got to school right on time to go in the gym and get the prank ready. “Billy, help me lift up this bucket of mud, and put on the top of the door.”
“Billy, Shhh! They are coming!”
All of the Busters walk through the door, but they dont know whats coming. “A bucket of mud and dirt falls right on top of them, when they walk through the gym doors, and then the feathers fall on them! The whole entire school is watching them get humiliated, and for Billy and Travis it was so worth it, giving them a taste of there own medicine. All of the school is taking pictures of them, and since that day the Busters weren't bothering anyone else after what Travis and Billy did. And now Travis and Billy won’t have to deal with those jerks ever again. “Come on travis let's go, I don't like being around these losers “Busters” any more.”
And after that day no one was ever being bullied or messed around by the busters any more, and now the school is at peace.

The author's comments:

Something about me is that I love to play with my dogs and I love to cook.

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