Unbreakable | Teen Ink


January 21, 2016
By robinrainbowcup BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
robinrainbowcup BRONZE, Telford, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up and tried to look around, I'm dizzy and it takes me a few minutes to get the room to stop spinning. As the dizziness passes my vision remains blurry. I feel around the ground, hoping to find my glasses, but end up running my hand across something sharp that put small cuts all over my hand. Shortly  after that I find my glasses. I put on my glasses and my sight begins to focus and I can Finally see where I am at. I'm in a prison cell but the door to it is falling off its hinges and all the bars are extremely rusty. In the cell there is a broken bottle which is what must have cut my hand on.
I wipe my hand on my jeans and examine the cut there doesn't seem to be any glass in it and the bleeding has almost stopped. My memories is foggy right now and I don't know how I got here or were I really am. The last thing i remember  is arguing with Ren. That doesn't really matter now, I need to find a way out of here. As I walk down the hall, taking a deep breath to stay calm but the air is musty, and sticky, and it seemed so familiar. Then it hits me this is the same place me and Ren used to hang out at when we were in high school. I didn't recognize it at first it's in even worse shape now. I'm about 40 minutes from my apartment, But I don't know how I got here, or if I came here with Ren or not. It’s been years since we came here, we got so lost in here I wonder if I will be able to find the way out on my own.
I wandered aimlessly for about a hour and I finally found the door that Ren and I used to sneak in through, a lot of the doors were bolted shut to keep people out except for this on. There was a problem though, there was a new chain and lock on the door this time. I knew it was the right door because me and Ren have our initials carved into it. I couldn't figure out the combination to the lock and as far as i know that's the only way in or out . I must have found another way, unless someone locked it after i was already in here.
I need to remember what happened, Ren and I were out side eating dinner and arguing about pizza toppings, we have been getting in fights a lot lately which is unsettling because we never used to in high school. we have spent so much time apart since we go to different colleges, but we decided to meet up because we are both home for break.  While we were outside some guys pulled up and Ren started yelling at them. There is a piece of cement on the floor that fell off the wall, I pick it up and the rough edges sting my cut up hand, I ignore the pain and throw it at the window. The glass was already broken but the bars remained, the cement only took out one of the bars and the others wouldn't budge.
Ren was already getting heated before these guys showed up and he has a bad temper most of the time. When he started getting yelled at he just exploded. They started saying how Ren was gonna pay for beating  someone  up, and Ren said he deserved it. I think after that one of them pinned ran up against the side of the house, while the other one came after me he did something to me then I believe I passed out. Its starting to get dark out and my hands are stinging, I spent what felt like hours trying to break the bars with the cement but I didn't make a lot a progress.
I sit down on the floor in defeat, my eyes are heavy I need to get out of here but i'm so tired. Just as i'm about to fall asleep I hear someone shuffling on the floor above me. I can hear someone mutter to himself upstairs, it is slowly getting louder, I wonder if someone else got stuck in here like I did. It could be Ren or maybe it's whoever locked the door shut. There's silence for about a minute and then I hear the person to start to sprint towards the direction of the stairs. I go around the corner and grab the cement piece, I start to panic, there's a good chance that they could be aggressive. They get to the top of the steps I here the stairs starting to crumble under their foot and fall to the ground. He calls out for help and his voice sounds just like ren, in hope that it's him I slowly come out from around the corner and over to the bottom of the stairs, I was so focused on trying to get out of here I didn't realize how exhausted I have gotten. I glance at the top of the steps but before I could make out if it was really Ren or not I passed out because I was so tired.
I wake up but someone has moved me and put me in one of the cells. This one is in better shape than the one I woke up in befor and instead of being on the floor, i'm on one of the frames of the prison beds with a sheet on it. I sit up  and look down at my feet to see a bag sticking out from under the bed. I pull it out to see that it's Rens bag. I wonder how he got down here, considering the stairs were unusable. I un zip the bag and there is a bag of chips on top, Ren always had snacks on him in the past i'm glad he didn't grow out of that habit because i'm starving. After I finished the chips I dig in the bag to see if there is anything else helpful, and I come across Rens phone.
I unlock his phone, but there is no signal, so I decided to got through his messages in hope to figure out what happened. The last was sent to Jeremy. The conversation was about Ren apologizing for beating someone up. What I got from the messages is that Ren beat someone up because when there team started to lose one of the guys got mad and turned it off. Ren was slightly upset about that and confronted him, and then proceeded to throw the remote out the window, breaking a lamp on its way out, and then started to yell at Ren. That's when Ren exploded and started to fight him. Ren ended of winning the fight by a landslide and then left. The to guys that showed up when I was at Rens must have been buddies of the guy he beat up. I get up and walk out of the cell, its morning now and no one else seems to be here anymore. I go to check the door but it's still locked. I go back to trying to break the bars off the window because I don't know what else to do. After about an hour of that I see someone walking towards the prison with something in there hand. They keep looking around, they look very paranoid as if they were afraid of being watched. I stay low but watch their movements closely. When they get closer i see that Ren is the one walking towards the Prison holding a crowbar. He has bags under his one eye and the other is black and blue, swollen shut. On his shirt he has what looks like a coffee stain and a little bit of blood and there is a hole in one of his sleeves, he's still wearing the same thing he had one when I saw him last. In his hand he has a tight grip on a crow bar, holding it up in a defense position. He looks worried and tired but still determined. 
I call out to him, i'm so happy to see him, he swings his head towards my direction and his eyes light up, a small smile starts to creep up on his face. He starts to try to run, that's when I notice he is limping, I motion towards the door and then run over to it, he was closer to the door then to the window I was looking out, so I went to the door so he didn't have to move as far. When he reaches the door he jams the crowbar into the doors top hinge and rips it off, then he goes for the bottom one, he struggled a bit more to get this one off. I tell Ren to step back, I grab the door by the handle and push it open. The door is still partially held shut by the chain but I was able to get it open enough to slip out. The cool clean air hits my face and instantly makes me feel more at ease. Ren pulls me in for a gentle hug, but he still flinches in pain. I ask him what happened after i blacked out.
Ren told me that one of them had stuck a needle in me, that's how I got knocked out, after that they started to beat him up but he managed to get to his car and leave. He had only driven about a block away, and followed them when they left. Ren had tailed them all the way to the prison and saw them take me into the prison. The two of them took turns watching the prison for the first day and then last night finally both left. Ren had dozed off and was asleep when they left in the middle of the night, so in the morning when he saw there cars were gone he grabbed a crowbar he had in his truck and headed over to see if I was still there. Part of him thought they knew he was there the whole time and once they noticed he was asleep, then they took me to another location, so he was very relived when he heard me call out to him. Ren had only slept for a few hours in the past 2 days so he was very unfocused and paranoid. He talked about how with ever step closer his fear grew that I wasn't going to be there. His footsteps grew louder with every step and could feel his heart pounding out of his chest, and his eyes felt so heavy but the small hope that I might be i there pushed him to keep going and as soon as he made eye contact with me he knew it was all worth it.
We walk over to his car, his limping has gotten worse, one of the guys had cut him with a knife and know it was infected because he had ignored it for so long. I put him in the passenger's seat and tell him I am taking him to the hospital. We have been on  the road for not even 5 minutes when a car behind us starts driving all over the place. The car is driving way over the speed limit, passing cars, almost hitting people driving in the other lane. We come to a red light and they go right through it and the stop once they get across the intersection. The fastest way to the hospital is to go the same way the crazy driver went but I decided to turn because I would rather it take us a few more minutes to get to the hospital then to end up in a car crash and get even more hurt or even possibly die, because someone was in too much of a rush to get somewhere.
The light turns green and I turn left, I glance into my rearview mirror, and I almost couldn't believe what I saw, the reckless driver had backed up into oncoming traffic and is now coming down the street we are on. They had gotten a scratch on there car from driving too close to a sigh, They left a huge crash behind them. One car moved out of the way to avoid driving head on to them, and then crashed into another car, which ended up in a huge pile of crashed cars. We were so close to getting caught in that, I begin to wonder when our luck is going to run out, considering some how we are both still alive even after all that we have gone through in just the past couple of days. I have never really been in too much danger before, especially any near death experiences but now this has got to be at least  the third time we came so close to dying in the last 72 hours.
I make a turn each time I can to make sure we stay out of the path of that driver, I took us way off course from are way to the hospital. We came up to a drug store and I quick run in to try and find something to help Ren, we are much farther from the hospital and he seems to be getting worse, I couldn't just leave him like that for the next hour till we got him help. The wound was immensely filthy, oozing out pus and was getting redder around the edge. I go in and grab the supplies  I think will hope will help the most take them up to the cash register, she tells me the amount and then it hits me, I don't have any money on me. I can feel the look of horror on my own face when I start to panic, the cashier looks puzzled on why i look so mortified, about the price, it was only twentysix dollars and thirty seven cents. I rummage through Rens bag that I brought in with me and find Rens wallet which contained Twentyeight dollars. I have now accumulated a long line behind me since it took so long to find the money. I shove the money onto the counter and tell her to keep the change, then I speed out the door before my receipt is done printing.
I get back to the car and open Rens door and tell him to face me. First thing I do is use a pocket knife that Ren kept in his glove bow to cut off his pant leg that was slightly covering the wound. Ren hangs his leg out the car and I pour water over it, then take a napkin and clean up the dirt around the wound. I watch as he clenches his fist in a attempt to not show the pain he is in. I don't want to hurt him but this needs to get cleaned and wrapped up to stop the infection from getting any worse. Next I bad some peroxide to the napkin and gently clean the wound with that, this stings much more then the water and now Ren can't hold back that it hurts, he yells out in pain and grips the handle in the car. The peroxide drips down onto my own hand and into my cuts, I cringe, struggling to not yell and draw more attention to us, we already received a few strange looks. I rise my hands with water to get the dirt off. Now that Ren has calmed down I go back to tending to his wound. I wash it out with water again and give it a few minutes to air dry. I put neosporin on it to hopefully take some of the pain away and fight the infection. Next I wrap his leg with gauze and put a ice pack on it to help with the pain. I get back into the car and hand Ren a protein bar, I figured to was the best thing to eat that I could get from here and We both need to keep our strength up so we can make it to the hospital.
I turn on Ren's GPS and get us on are way. The crazy driver from earlier zips around the corner and one of them sick there head out the window and starts screaming, it's the same thugs that beat Ren up and trapped me in the prison, they must of been following us the whole time. Fear shoot through my entire body and I slam on the gas, I need to be as far away was I possible can get I never want to see them again, I didn't ever think they would come after us, I thought the would have gotten their fill of revenge by now. What else could they want with us they, Ren already got super hurt, I don't even know them, Ren doesn't really either we both have no idea what there names are still. I am coming up to a light and its yellow, I don't want them to catch up to Rens car but I also don't want to cause an accident. I make a risky judgment call and gun it through the light making it through right after it turned red. They tried to run the light to but this time it didn't go too well for them. My eyes are fixed on my mirror as I see a truck come and drive into the side of there car, it's almost as if it happened it slowmotion. I caught a glimpse of the terrified look in the guy's face in the passenger's seat as he see the truck ram into his door, the driving has a look on his face of pure shock as if he didn't even think that is was possible for him to get hit. I got so distracted that I had the car into the other lane while going at a excessive speed, then smashed into a light post on the opposite side of the street that we were supposed to be on. I hadn't put on my seat belt before I started to drive because I was so scared and wasn't thinking so I went right threw the windshield. Right before we crashed I guess a reflex kicked in and I tried to hid under my arms so my head didn't take too much of the impact. I managed to crash the car in front of a lake, so then I ended up in that lake. The water was frezzing and my arm was had pain shooting through it, some one ad gotten out of there car jumped in the lake and pulled me out. Ren had put on his seat belt while I was going around to get in so he stayed in the car annd was mostly protected from the air bag. Even thoug Ren didn't get that much more injured form the crash he had passed out from the pain and shock of the crash. After someone pulled me out and I saw Ren, I too then passed out.
Many hours later I wake up in a hospital bed, not really feeling much because I have been put on so much pain killer. I now have a cast on my left arm, and my right arm is bandaged up. I also have a small patch on my forehead. I look up and see my mom is in the room, she ask if i'm okay and if I know what happened or not. I ignore her questions and ask her if Ren is okay. She said he was having surgery on his leg because it was so infected, the doctors said he was going to be just fine, we are both going to be bedridden for a month or two, after that we should be back to normal. The nurse comes in to check on me because she heard me wake up. Once she finished her exam  of me me declared that I was doing well for someone with my condition. As she left a police officer came in and asked my mom to step out for a few minutes so she can ask me some questions. I told her everything that happened with as much detail as I could remember, it all almost felt like a really bad dream. The police officer informed me that one of the thugs had died in crash, and the other had very bad injuries and once they healed he was going to be sent away for a very long time so I don't have to worry about him trying to hunt me down again. I fell back to sleep and when I woke again Ren was in the bed next to be lying there watching tv. Even though this was a very horrible past couple of days I do think the whole thing made me and Ren even closer friends than we were before, At the start of break I wasn't sure if our friendship was going to last but they way he looked at me when he saw me in the prison, proved that we would never not be friends, we both wouldn't be able to get by without the other. We now had a unbreakable because of all the bad things that just happened to us.

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