January 15, 2016
By Noda1 BRONZE, Nope, Texas
Noda1 BRONZE, Nope, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

    Birch sat under the shade of spruce tree, watching the sunlight dance on the grass. He flexed his strong jaw muscles in attempt to relieve some of the soreness from the previous battle with the pack of fiery sun not long ago. His shining white fur was soft after a grooming. Suddenly his mate, Rose, rushed up to him. Her eyes were scared and her fur was standing on end.

   ”Birch-trouble a-at the camp!” she gasped, her paws were shaking.
he sat up immediately. birch gave a small lick to somewhat comfort the young she-wolf. Fury flashed in her eyes for a moment, she always was touchy.

   “Take me to the camp.” he barked.

      As they raced through the undergrowth he became more fearful. Rose have warned him about disputes between fellow wolves in the pack, but she seemed plainly terrified now. He wondered if it was just a scuffle. Afterall the food supply was low now with the nearing winter, everyone's mood might just be on edge. Dangit! he thought, my 3rd day of being alpha and there has already been a fight? Maybe moss has already handled it. He is the deputy afterall. Moss, Birch’s brother, had been appointed the deputy at the same day as birch was made alpha. The deputy had been disappointed but took the job without question.

      As they neared the camp entrance he heard shouts and scented the metallic smell of blood. He stepped in the camp and was rooted to the ground by what he saw.
It was moss, a look of content across his blood-smeared face. Below him the lifeless body of Boulder, Rose’s brother,  his neck was torn and blood spread across the grass.

   “NO!” Rose screeched as her eyes fell upon her brother.

      Both of of the trusted deltas, Crow and Zip, were growling and barking at Moss, who seemed to be ignoring them. They tensed when Rose wailed and looked at Alpha Birch, who gave the signal with a flick on an ear. With Rose restrained by Crow, Birch let out a growl and leaped onto Moss pinning him down with one paw on his muzzle and the other on his torso.

“I suppose you're not going to think me for ridding you of that flea infested traitor.” he muttered said through Birch’s firm grip.

     At that statement Rose broke free of Crow’s grip and was on Moss in a second, ripping and tearing at his ear. Moss howled in pain as the delta ripped Rose from him.

   “Moss, betata of the  pack of falling night, you have committed an unexcusable crime. Now you shall receive your punishment!” Birch raised his head and his voice to the sky as if trying to speak to the moon tribe alpha.

“BANISHMENT!” he howled. Crow had let someone else replace the restraining of Rose as the word was spoken. Both Crow and Zip got into a hunting position, ready to chase Moss down and give him a mauling which was to be done during banishment. Moss had obviously noticed this too and began to stand. After stumbling for a moment he flashed a glance of sadness and hatred then sprinted out of the camp. Birch flicked the tip of his tail signalling his deltas to follow.

    The course of the day was a series of dull motions. Barreing Boulder’s body, cleaning up the mess, telling the pups, comforting Rose. He definitely didn't want to remember this day.

    Birch had a dream that night. He was standing in the middle of a clearing, the grass shining like stars. He felt safe and warm. then the shining in the grass was replaced by the glistening of blood, the sky grew dark and dull. He was suddenly aware of the red eyes staring at him from the forest on the outskirts of the clearing. A dark wolf loomed over him. Just as the wolf lunged forward to kill Birch a ghost-like blurr hit the beast for the side sending it sprawling against the grass. As the mysterious stranger came to a halt. Birch widened his eyes at the sight of a Moon pack delta, the stars in her fur shined like diamonds.

    “Come with me. NOW.” She barked and looked to see if the dark wolf was gone. It was, but the red eyes did not retreat into the forest. They remained.

     Birch followed the sparkling she wolf out of the clearing and into the dark woods. He couldn't see anymore ominous red eyes but he still didn’t feel very safe. Then they crossed something almost like a border but not quite, but after that border was crossed he was consumed by amazement. The trees, the grass, and leaves everything was bright and beautiful. And the moon, it was huge. They continued to run until they came to a light in the middle of a dirt patch. The patch was an almost perfect circle.

     “Eat it.” The she-wolf said, her voice steady.

“what? No way.” How could he trust this wolf? Birch has never seen her before, it could be a trap for all he knew. But before he could begin to try to wake himself up from this ridiculous dream, she bit down on his neck forcing him to she ground.

   “AK! GET OF ME!” he howled

“EAT IT, NOW!” She repeated.

   Birch scrabbled forward towards the glowing sphere. He opened his jaws wide and put the whole thing in his mouth. And was out.

   He woke in his den on the other side of the camp. Thank the stars! it was just a dream. But as relief flooded through him he smelled something strange, BLOOD! he raced out of his den and instead on his paws treading on soft grass he splashed into a pool of metallic sented blood. Panic rose in his gut as he splashed towards the center of the camp clearing, blood making his fur feel sticky and wet. He howled to his packmates with no response. He looked up at the high rock. There stood the unbelievable. Moss. His teeth bared, eyes hungry, blood soaked, a hint of triumph in his eyes and he was staring right at birch.
“ARE YOU HAPPY BROTHER?!” He howled, a crazed look in his eyes.


   Then birch was jolted out of his nightmare, now he was standing in the same dark forest. The starry She-wolf was sitting a few feet away.

  “Did you like what you saw?” She said. But birch had no words.

  “That’s what i thought. But my message will give you hope.” her voice grew deep and raspy.

  “If blood does not spill blood, the forest will fall.”


                          “ The time for a hero has come.”

The author's comments:

i like writing :3

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