Honus & Me | Teen Ink

Honus & Me

December 16, 2015
By BobertMxp BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
BobertMxp BRONZE, Kirkwood, Missouri
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      Is there anything more cool then going back in time to meet your favorite baseball player? Well, the book, Honus & Me, makes it possible. When Dan Gutman wrote the book he wanted it to open your mind to the world of imagination. This story seems so real that you'll believe in time travel.

         The story starts off with the main character, Joseph, whose nickname is Stosh, getting distracted by the people calling him names on a baseball field. Stosh loves the sport of baseball. Though Stosh was living in the late 1900, he wishes he could back in time and meet Honus Wagner, one of the greatest ballplayers ever.

       Dan Gutman is the author of the  Baseball Card Adventures book series. These books include: Jackie & Me,  Babe & Me,  Shoeless Joe & Me, and  Mickey & Me.  When he is not writing books, he likes to visit schools. He  also lives in New Jersey with his wife and two children. Growing up Gutman loved sports and was inspired to write books about wacky, half non-fiction and half-fictional baseball adventures.

Joe Stoshack loves to play baseball. He knows everything there is to know about the game, except how to play well. When he is cleaning his neighbor's attic, he finds a 1909 T-206 Honus Wagner card (the most valuable baseball card in the world.) In order make sure he is right, and it is a Wagner card he goes to a baseball card shop. The owner, named Birdie Farrell, tries to trick him into selling it for ten dollars by saying it's Heinie Wagner, but Stosh doesn't take the deal and leaves the store.

       I would definitely recommend the book, Honus & Me, to people who love sports and likes when there's a twist. Even people not big in sports could still love this book. Honus & Me is the first book in the series called, A Baseball Card Adventure, and it is definitely the best book in the series. The book includes ways you can help yourself in the real world. When Stosh is deciding if he should bring the card back to the old lady he makes a sheet and titles it pros and cons about keeping the card. This book is for people who want to read a wacky baseball adventure that grabs your attention.

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