Plane Trouble | Teen Ink

Plane Trouble

December 12, 2015
By Gman18gt BRONZE, Stockton, California
Gman18gt BRONZE, Stockton, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The grass is always greener on the other side."

        Eric...average size eyes, black hair, and his very, very, small mustache. Next to him is his girlfriend, Gracie. He was wearing blue pants; Gracie, black sweats. He was wearing a Green Bay Packers long sleeve jersey. Gracie was wearing the same shirt, only short sleeve.
“Are you ready,” said Eric.
  “Yes, I am. Let’s go,” replied Gracie.
        They had just arrived at the airport in Eric’s SUV. They both got out of the car and went to the trunk. Eric took out the duffel bags and told Gracie to close the trunk and lock the car. She hurried after Eric because his pace is very fast.
“Southeast Airlines… The Happiest Flight on Earth!” Together, they strolled into the giant building. The place was astonishing: electric boards with colorful moving letters going here and there. When Eric regained focus, Gracie was already standing in line to go through the metal detectors and motioning him to come join her. He hurried to catch her, but ran into a few thugs along the way. They stared at him with a few, awkward expressions, then turned away. He pushed through them and finally made it next to Gracie. The woman in front of them stepped through the detectors. No alarms went off, but the security guard still checked her pockets. When it was their turn, Gracie asked if he wanted to go.
“ You wanna go first?” asked Gracie.
“ You can go if you want. I know you like going first,” replied Eric.
“Okay,” said Gracie happily.
In a flash, the guards were ordering Eric to step through the metal detector. He tried his best to ignore what had happened the last time he went through a metal detector.
But his daydreaming was soon stopped when alarms sounded. Lights flashed. People were screaming. Everyone looked over about seven to eight detectors away as a man went through the detector. The man looked at everyone and took off running. He was getting chased by about five guards when all of a sudden, he was on the ground. His body was squirming on the ground. The five guards stopped and panted like a dog that chased a ball far away. Why did they stop? Blue fiery lights flashed through wires and struck the man. He was spasming on the floor. Gently, Eric walked through the detector. Nothing. No alarms. No rushing guards. No screaming people.
Though, he should have known there was going to be a delay. In a split second, everything mentioned was turned around. That detector’s alarm went off. The guards that had just tased the other man rushed to the alarm. People screamed including kids. A few cried. Some guards went to block the exit and a few more blocked the planes and stairs. What seemed like the head of the officers came up to Eric. He stared through Eric’s eyes and further back through his head. Quickly, the chief officer pulled out his gun and shot once. A few moments later, he shot his gun a second time. Three people were on the floor. All in pain. One in different pain than the other two. This one person was Gracie. Her pants already drenched from tears, as she hunched over a sprawled out body. This body was soon identified by the chief as Eric.
“OMG! I am very sorry. My unsteady, old hands must have moved when I shot the gun. Dang… The bullet must’ve chipped his shoulder,” explained the chief.
“It’s alright. But where did the bullet go if it didn’t stay in his shoulder?” asked Gracie, but soon discovered why.
A few yards away was another man. Probably the man that was hit with the remainder of the bullet that snipped Eric’s shoulder. So...who was this man?
The chief quickly ran over and looked at the man’s tag. It read “C.I.A.”. Under that was his name.
Sir Prise,” was what the chief mumbled. Out loud he repeated the name.
“Who names their child Sir Prise… Like what kind of name is that,” he said.
A few people laughed.
Before he could get up, the C.I.A. freak, said loudly, “A great one!”
Just then, the man grabbed the chief’s neck and choked him over his body so he couldn’t be shot. In ten seconds or less, a few things happened. First, the chief had his last breath before he was completely strangled. Then Gracie gets up and grabs the chief’s taser. With all her might, she clutched the taser and squeezed it. The wires sprung out and went right into the man’s chest. Before he was fully electrocuted, he did the most unexpected. He must have grabbed the chief’s gun while he was strangling him. So he pulled the gun out and with his last bit of muscle, fired it once. Everything was still until something fell. Almost like a body.
Somebody must have called 9-1-1 when the chief fired his gun because about four ambulances arrived by the front doors. They took the chief, Eric, Gracie, and the man. Who fell? Next thing Gracie knew, she was in polka dot clothes, half-covered by a sheet and she had a clip on her finger. Next to her was a bed with a person. She turned the other way and gasped. It was a guy exactly the same as the one on the other side. She read the names of them. The first one she looked at was Eric Valdez. The second was Eric Gonzalez. She thought back to when she first met Eric. She didn’t recall if he ever said his last name. So she laid there confused. It felt like hours. There was a knock on the door and Gracie jumped. A nurse came in and asked what room it was.
Gracie answered, “Um, I believe room 7.” Gracie was astonished that the nurse looked puzzled. The nurse swiftly pulled out a gun and shot both Eric's multiple times and pointed at Gracie. The gun had shot and everything went black. Gracie was awoken by someone slugging her. Eric looked at her worried.
“You alright?” he asked. “You were shifting a lot. Bad dream?”
Gracie turned and replied, “I’m fine and yes, a bad dream. Besides, where are we?”
“On the plane, you know. We went through the detector and it went off…..” he stopped”
He was soon getting squeezed by a somewhat scared girl.
“Seriously, what’s wrong?” with a few breaths.
Was just a bad dream. Continue if you want.” she replied shaking.
“Well we got our tickets and the next thing I knew, we were taking off. Nothing much.”
“Where are we going,” Gracie asked.
“After I answer this, no more questions. We are going to Orlando and it is going to be a long trip. I want to rest...I’m...I’m really...I’m really tired-” Gracie looked over at Eric.
She already heard light snoring. Tempting to go to sleep, she closed her eyes gently. Not long after, she heard a sound. Real or fake, it was terrifying. Like a gunshot. Like the one that hit someone. Hard! Sharp pain. So many thoughts.
“Who let the dogs out? Woof woof woof woof! Who let the dogs out?”...Music? Boy? Girl? Dogs? WTH! Gracie violently shook out of her sleeping thoughts. She yawned and pushed off of Eric’s shoulder. The music was still playing. Looking in Eric’s pocket, she found his phone. the blue light shone on her face. She felt lightheaded. The music stopped and played a ringtone from Zedged.
“Your brother is attempting to reach you on your mobile device.” Jumping off the plane was her first idea. Well the idea was to put to a stop. Eric woke up slowly and reached for the phone.
“Hello,” Eric said.
In a deep voice, the phone answered, “Yo! Dude!? bro. Where are you?”
Eric responded, “Heading your way!”
Eric noticed Gracie’s shocked expression.
“You don't’ know my brother Sir Prise? Well, his real name is Erin. Nevermind, I guess I should tell you. We are going to meet him there!”
Gracie still shocked, searched her mind for the name. Then it clicked. How did this guy show up in her dream when she had no idea who the heck he was. The same man that strangled the chief. The same man she tased. It was all coming back to her. But a thought crossed her mind. How did Eric fall when the chief fired at Sir. Was Eric shot too? Before Gracie could think longer, a woman’s voice came over the mini speaker intercom.
“Alright travelers, one hour left until we get to Orlando. Woohoo!”
A man’s voice the took over...¨We will have waiter coming if you are hungry or parched. Also, press the yellow button to turn on the mini tv. The Blind Side movie appears to be on. Thank you for your time.”
The intercom turned off. It seem there was commotion happening in the pilot’s area. A flight attendant came out, possibly the one who spoke a few minutes ago on the intercom and said to make sure to buckle your seatbelt if you haven’t already.
“It appears we have made it into Florida, but the clouds aren’t liking us right now,” she said worriedly.
Eric was still on the phone with his brother. Every now and then, the plane would rock and shake. With Eric’s free arm, he held Gracie close to him. Gracie felt somewhat better., that is until the plane made a scraping sound. She looked out the window just as a piece of metal from the plane’s wing ripped off. The pilot noticed something was wrong when a light flashed and the plane was tilting. Everyone was ordered to grab a parachute. Eric grabbed one and was about to walk back when the plane’s side door was pried open by the wind. His feet slid and he was dangling from the plane with his arms on the broken door hinge. He was brutally pulled out of the plane.
A minute later, everyone was ordered to jump out. Gracie quickly grabbed a parachute and jumped out. She saw a dot sprawled out with a chute guiding it towards land. It seemed to take an hour. Well no. It took 12 minutes to land. Best way to kill time that Gracie thought, was going on FaceRead. When she took her eyes off of her phone, she saw Eric waving. She landed on the ground safely. But, where was everyone else. They looked up. No plane, no people, and no storm. The only person left was Erin standing there waiting for the two to stop showing affection. When they finished, they turned to Erin.
“You lied to me Eric,” said Erin angrily. He pointed a gun at Eric. “Now you must pay the price.” Sir grinned. He shot it once. Who did he shoot: Eric, Gracie, or himself?

The author's comments:

I was reading the Sunday comics and was inspired by one of them.

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