The moment I never expected | Teen Ink

The moment I never expected

December 11, 2015
By Ainhoa BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
Ainhoa BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I remembered that day when all started. My parents, my sister and me driving through this long road next to this beautiful landscape in Florida. You could see how the sun was shining in the blue, clear ocean and gray dolphins swimming and jumping around. Everything was perfect if my annoying 5 year old sister would be quiet for one second and let us enjoy this wonderful moment. Every time we tried to get her quiet she started to scream even louder. My dad, who was driving, was so sick of it that he didn’t even pay attention to the traffic anymore.
Suddenly everything turned black and silent. After a few minutes or maybe a few hours, I'm not quite sure, I started to hear noises of ambulances and people yelling at each other. Slowly I opened my eyes and I found myself on the floor of the car. I sat up. The car was crashed and empty, my family was gone. On my hands and my knees I  could see blood starting to dry. I opened the door, everything was in a chaos. Firemen and  policemen  were running from one site to the other, trying to get into these huge masses of people surrounding someone. When I got closer to them I  could see myself on the floor next to my whole family. We were covered with bruises and cuts. This couldn’t be real! Wasn’t I standing there ? I tried to talk to the guy next to me but he didn’t answer. He didn’t even turned around to look at me. It felt like I was invisible.
At that time Paramedics came out of the  ambulances with stretchers, I had to find out what was happening. But it was to late they were already taking my whole family away. I decided to jump into the ambulance and sit down and rest a little bit to calm down (it wasn’t probably that bad). I was so exhausted, this was to much for me. I wasn’t used to see myself in an ambulance covered with blood and bruises. After a five minute ride we arrived at the hospital. I followed the paramedics into the hospital. They left my body in a room and closed the doors. I  waited and waited the doctor to come outside and try to listen to a conversation which would give me more information about what was going on.
He finally came out with a nurse. I remember the words the doctor said to her like it was yesterday. 
“Poor family! They were having such a nice trip and suddenly everything is over. The youngest one and the wife dead and the husband and the teeenager both in a coma. That’s bad luck!”
What, nooo this could not be true! My mom and my sister dead and me and my dad in a coma that could not be true! This had to be a dream! But it wasn’t. I tried to pinch myself like everyone in the movies do to see if they were dreaming, but exactly like in the movies I wasn’t. I started to scream as loud as i have never imagined I could. I was getting crazy, where was my dad! Where did they brought my mom and my sister!
In this moment I heard familiar voices. I turned around. My grandparents and my best-friends were standing there in the waiting room. I started running to them to give them a huge hug and thank them for being there, but then I remembered that I was invisible and I stopped immediately in front of them. My grandma and my best friends were crying while my grandpa was talking with the nurses about all the details. This was a horrible!
All the things I have worked for and experienced in this years are all gone now. Me going to school, meeting my friends, having a happy family, trips, dancing, singing, all that kind of stuff which happens in everyday live…
The doctor explained my grandparents that they had to bring my dad to another place of the hospital since his injuries were worse than mine. I had to see him. I started walking down the floor to arrive at the elevator and drive up to the room my dad was in. Oh my gosh he was looking bad, his whole face was covered with cuts probably of the glass from the car windows.
I sat down next to him and started praying for him to wake up even. The good thing about being invisible was that I could stand all this days next to my dad without being send out of the room. I needed this, being with someone, who went throw the same thing I did and hope he would wake up.
After two months seeing my family cry in the hospital, sitting next to my body and praying to God, I finally woke up. My grandma was sitting on the right and my grandpa on the left both holding my hands. They started crying when they saw my eyes opening. They were so happy that they started  hugging me and gave me kisses all over my face.
I asked them: “ What happened, where is mom,dad and sis ?”, at that time I didn’t remember anything of what I have been through the last months. After telling me everything the doors opened and my dad walked in. This was one of my best days in my life! That moment felt like everything was in slow motion. My dad running at me opening his arms to give me a hug.
The next weeks were very emotional. My dad and me were the whole time thinking about my mom and my sister, what they were probably doing now? My friends helped me really well to survive school and not feel bad the whole time for what happened to my family. My dad went on with his work and tried to make me feel happy everyday. Live went on, but we never forgot what happened and of course I didn’t forget this two months living as a ghost.

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