The Chase | Teen Ink

The Chase

November 13, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a calm and quiet day,and there was fresh snow on the ground. It was still sunny, despite the weather. We were walking together- my friend, her dog Echo and me. 
“So what do you wanna do over the weeknd?” Noa inquired.
“You can sleep over at my place, and then we can go out or something tomorrow morning.” I replied  excitedly.
Her dog was bounding happily beside us, and her small paws were clicking on the gravel. Noa gave me her leash.
“Hold this for a second, I need to get some water.” As we paused for those brief twenty seconds, I took in everything around me, focusing on how calm it was. My neighborhood had always on the quieter, welcoming side too. it was always a peaceful place. I let out a sigh of content, and smiled. We took a couple round of the community ,talking a mile a minute along the way. But as we took our fourth round, I knew instantly that it was a terrible mistake.

The massive black coyote sprinted towards us, like a bat out of the underworld. It took me a few seconds to process the situation. It didn’t feel real. Suddenly, i snapped myself to reality. My heart thundered against my chest, pounding out an unsteady rhythm, steadily getting faster. Echo’s snout was ensnared in the coyotes jaw, and she was whimpering; unable to defend herself. “RUN, AND GET HELP” Natalia yelled. “AND HURRY” I nodded and tore down the street, fearing the worst possible scenarios. When I reached the next street, my energy was draining. Suddenly, images of the seething coyote were flashing through my head. I cringed and drove myself up the hill, my heart drumming out a steady, quick rhythm. When i could see my house a couple meters away, I sprinted like a madman. This was a matter of life or death, and it was all up to me. As I finally reached my house after what seemed like a ceaseless amount of time, I ran inside and called for my parents, hoping they would be home. I saw a note on the table it read,
“Gone out for about an hour, be back soon :)” I groaned in discouragement. Once again, I ran all the way back to where natalia was, praying that they would come help soon. Suddenly, I gasped at what I saw in front of me. There was crimson blood carelessly spilled on the once clean snow, and smeared on Natalia's hands. And the coyote? gone.

“Come here quick, I’m bleeding.” Natalia said faintly.
“Oh my gosh… where did the coyote go?”
“The little devil ran away as soon as it bit me. I tried running but it was no help. Good thing Echo ran home as soon as she got free though.”
“Great, now show me your hand.”
Noa grimaced, seeing her bleeding palm. I pulled in a breath, shocked at how heavily injured she was. “Here, use this until we can find a better replacement.” I said, pulling out a few bandages that were miraculously in my pocket. Suddenly I realized how thirsty I was feeling after running so much.
“Let's go to my house and take Echo. I'll call my parents and tell them what happened, and everything will get sorted out. Meanwhile we can just hangout for sometime.”
I nodded.
“That sounds good. I'm all done for today anyways.” ?Noa said laughing. We both walked up the hill,  recalling the day’s events. It seemed distant, almost as if it happened a long time ago. When we reached Noa’s house, Echo was waiting for us patiently at the doorstep. We picked her up, and took her to my house. Everything was alright now. It was peaceful and calm  once more.



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