Gator on Aisle 4 | Teen Ink

Gator on Aisle 4

May 26, 2015
By dixon-cox BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
dixon-cox BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"waking up is the second hardest thing in the morning."

I woke up early this morning; the sun was shining bright.  The hot sun was beating on my back.  It’s been a harsh couple of weeks. We haven’t been able to find any water because of the state wide drought.  All our ponds are dried up, and my skin is so dry, and it’s beginning to crack severely.  We need to find water, but I still don’t know if that would cure it. 
“Cornelius!” my mother called. She was seeking shade under a tree, fighting the rays of the scorching sun.  “Yes mother?” I replied.  “My skin is cracking and so is your brother and sisters.” She said.  “I need you to go to Wal-Mart and pick up some lotion.”  I had no idea what she was talking about. “Lotion?” I replied. “What’s that?” My mother has been on this earth for 86 years.  She is very wise and knew about a lot of things that I had no clue about.  She studied astrophysics at Princeton University back in 1979.  “Lotion is a cream that humans use to moisturize their skin.”  She needed me to get 10 bottles of JERGENS lotion.  She gave me enough money to buy the lotion, and my favorite candy bar, 100 Grand. 
So, I set off on my journey to find a “Wal-Mart”.  I traveled for two days on foot to the nearest town.  A small dog was playing in a park just outside of town, and I was hungry.  I decided I need to put my expedition on hold so that I could get some food in me so I had the energy to carry on.  The dog was playing fetch with its owner, who was throwing a tennis ball over by some bushes.  I crept over behind the bushes and waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. 10 minutes later the ball landed inches away from my snout.  This was the moment I’ve been waiting for.  The little terrier picked up the ball and in the same moment, I clenched my jaws around its head and began to roll.  The dog let out a whimper, and nothing more.  The sound of crunching bones and blood pouring every wear filled my ear holes.  The owner let out a scream. I knew I had to get out of there, so I began to run.
I made it all the way into the center of town and hid under a bench.  A man was sitting on the bench eating chocolates and telling random people about his life and about this girl named    “Jenn-ay”.  I could have bit his foot off, but I was full from the dog. It got darker outside and the man got up and ran away. I hope he didn’t see me, but boy, he sure could run fast.  I had noticed a big blue sign off in the distance, just over the running mans shoulder.  It had a big white star on it, and it read “Wal–Mart”. “That’s it!” I roared.
Under the cover of the night sky, I made my way towards the sign.  After 15 minutes, I had finally arrived.  I made my way into the front entrance, were I was greeted by a very, very old man who waved at me and said hello young lady.  I wasn’t exactly sure what the hell he was talking about so I kept on my way.  I made it to the feminine hygiene section and I knew I was in the wrong spot and I felt extremely uncomfortable. So I decided to ask the lady down at the end of the isle who was stocking up the shelves.  “Excuse me ma’am, but do you know which isle I can find JERGENS lotion? My skins feeling a little scaly.”  She looked at me for a second like she had just seen a ghost.  “OH MY GOD!” she screamed.  I knew I was in trouble, if they caught me they would kill me.  I ran down the aisle as fast as I could.  I saw the exit, and I knew I was home free.  All of the sudden, a man wielding a shotgun stepped in front of me, (only in Wal-Mart).  Then I heard a bang.  I felt the slug hit the back of my head.  I lost all motor function, and my vision began to fade.

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