Born For The Storm | Teen Ink

Born For The Storm

June 7, 2015
By diegoc BRONZE, San Diego, California
diegoc BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I awoke to a thunderous crash. My eyes imminently opened to the sight of water pouring down the hatch opening, quickly filling the hull. The ship rocked, rose, and smashed back down; making it almost impossible to get out of my hammock and onto my own two feet. I was disoriented, fighting through the freezing chest high water, using anything standing to get me to the ladder that would save me from summerdgement. I somehow arrived and climbed up, despite being thrashed around by the occurring conditions. I surfaced the opening and was greeted by an even more painful rain pour and winds so strong our furled sails had ripped the masts straight off the deck; taking most of the ships' woodwork with it. I made my way on what was left of the deck to the stairway that would get me to the quarterdeck and to that pointless unmanned wheel which once steered her. I held on and attempted to keep myself from being bulled off of my own ship. I clenched on with all my might, my feet giving me no standing from the now vertical position the ship was being put in. When the water and my face aligned at the right angle I was actually able to see the disastrous waters that Poseidon had cast upon us. I had navigated storms before; but nothing has ever compared to this monster. It is if the sea was eating us alive but keeping us somewhat afloat and breathing for the mere pleasure it's getting while doing so. They say I'm the only drunk who would knowingly sail these waters. I looked up and smiled. For I was born for the storm and the calm does not suit me.

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