MEOW! | Teen Ink


June 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Sniff, sniff, meow! As I noticed her sitting at the window with her fluffy fur moving with the breeze, I realized how focused she remained. She isn’t just any feline, but one with quite a large ego. On many days I notice her meowing freely at the leaves blowing past the window, the birds chirping in the sky, and even the squirrels running past. Soon after, I heard a loud noise. I thought nothing of it due to the fact that we live in an apartment complex, on the first floor and there are always many neighbors walking about outside with their children and sometimes their dogs. Moments later while I am cleaning around the house, I heard a loud “woof!” I looked out the window she was sitting at and noticed a bulky, unfavorable looking dog sitting outside with his tongue hanging out, looking in the window. Several minutes went by, I began cleaning more and more in detail but suddenly there was a crash! I walked back out to the window she was sitting in to find the screen destroyed and the dog in my living area!
At this time, my cat is no longer in the window. I am frantic trying to find my cat in my house while this straggly haired dog is just lying on my floor! I begin to search under my lounger, my bed, even under all the tables. At the time, I could not find her anywhere! Soon after, I began to escort this smelly, large canine out of my door. I felt as if I was cruel just pushing the dog out of my door as time went on, but I was troubled about my cat more than anything. I paused cleaning to find my cat in the back of my closet, behind my shoes, startled. I pulled her out and comforted her for a lengthy moment. Soon after, I found the dog out in the courtyard with its owner. At this point, I cleaned up the broken screen from the floor as well as resumed the cleaning I was doing prior to the event. The cat shortly after jumped back on to the windowsill and continued to meow at the passersby.


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