Sunset | Teen Ink


June 4, 2015
By Brooke Fryar BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
Brooke Fryar BRONZE, Hillsborough, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Emerson’s phone rang as she added her finishing touches on her project. “Hello…, Hey Lisa, How are you?” “Hiking tomorrow?” “Ok, Tomorrow at Sunset?” “Sounds great, see you there!” As the clock struck 11:00 she knew it was time for her to get to bed. She would need a lot of energy for tomorrow's adventure. She set her alarm clock for 6:00 a.m. they would need to get there early so they could finish before sun down. She laid out her outfit and shoes, along with her hiking bag. She also got a glass of water and chugged it down. She would need to be hydrated for the hike. After she chugged the water all gone, she put her dishes in the dishwasher, her dirty cloths in the washer, and jumped into bed.
“Beep, beep,beep” Her alarm clock read 6:00a.m just like what she had set it for.. She sprang from her bed, and prepared for her long hike. She walked around the corner and to her tomato plant. There, she saw a bee. She swatted at the bee. “shoo, shoo” Emerson sounding annoyed. The bee buzzed off, just as Emerson picked the ripest tomato. “Ring, ring, ring” The phone rang as Emerson ran to the phone. “Hey I’ll be there in 10 minutes, are you ready?” Lisa said. “Yes, I’ll be waiting for you outside.” Emerson replied. She hurried to the kitchen to prepare her lunch for the hike. “Bread, turkey, tomato,provolone, water, granola bar.” Emerson heard Lisa’s car pull up as she made her mental checklist. Emerson grabbed her hiking bad, slipped on her shoes and walked out the door. Lisa pulled in the driveway along with the bee following behind her. Emerson hopped on the car, and they drove away towards Sunset.
While driving down the swirly road, the same bee flew in the car and landed in Emerson's hair. “AHHHHHHHH!” Emerson yelped. “Get it off me, get it off me!” The bee flew into the air and out the car. Lisa pulled onto the dirt road and slowly came to a stop. Both girls jumped out of the car and prepared themselves for the long 7 mile hike.They walked up and over big rocks and small hills. Until they came to their 3rd checkpoint. They sat down along with their lunch. Halfway through their lunch the bee that had followed Emerson everywhere that day, showed up again. Emerson all the sudden started to wonder why this bee was following her?  Why was it following her? The bee stuck around until they were done with their lunch and flew away again.
“Only 1 more checkpoint to go.” Lisa said. “Yeah, I am ready to go get to the twin logs and she the twin waterfalls. What about you?” Emerson said. “Yeah, we can see if that tree is still there with our rocks.” Lisa said. Emerson and Lisa have a secret hiding place in the tree next to the waterfall, and they put a rock that they find from the edge of the river in it. They do this every year. They have the same rock in there from when they were 5 years old.  Emerson and Lisa started to approach the end of their hiking trip, and to end it they would walk over the twin logs like they do every year when they go on their hiking trip. But first they would have to find there rock to put into the tree.  Emerson and Lisa always wondered why Sunset wasn’t called the twin hike or something like that because every checkpoint has twin in the name. They finally came to the twin logs and started across. The river is very wide and so are the logs. The logs are very tall. 
As they were climbing over the twin logs, she happened to stumble upon a bee. The same bee that had followed her throughout the day.  As emerson was swatting  at the bee, she lost her balance and all at once fell into the rushing rapids. Lisa ran of the log and followed Emerson down the winding river, closer,and closer to the twin waterfall. The bee also followed along Emerson. The bee was friends with some of the fish in that river, and motioned to them for help. The fish created a wall, right at the edge of the waterfall. Earl the turtle was also one of the bees good friends. Emerson was able to sit on the Earl the turtle and get pulled to safety. Emerson was so astonished, she couldn’t believe her eyes.  Lisa had caught up to her as the bees rushed away. From that day forward she had found a connection, a connection between her and the bee that would forever last.

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