Rainy Wishes | Teen Ink

Rainy Wishes

April 27, 2015
By Anonymous

Ping, Ping. I could  hear the thick storm passing over head. The rain sounded like thick hard pieces of ice when it would hit my window. The storm has been going on since yesterday's sunset. Up here in West Virginia the winters are wild and the summers are mild. So Its normal to get a lot of storms in the summertime.

I jumped out of bed quickly made it and scurried across the cool hard wood floors  over to my laminate dresser. I quickly put on my play clothes which are an scraggly old t shirt and a pair of old cacies. I put my apron on to go downstairs to help mamma. Papa was in bed sick so I peeped my head in to say hi. He was lying up in bed. I said “hi,” and closed the door slowly and quietly.

I went to the kitchen to see what mamma needed she said, “To go and fetch a pail of water.” So I do what she says and I put on my flowery rain boots and I stumbled out the doorway with the pail clutched in my hands. As I’m squashing the wet grass every time I step. I think of the time that I Got three wishes at the fair for winning a contest.

It was a stormy morning. Pa was feeling fine, so we went to the county fair. The county fair was slammed packed with all sorts of blue and green and red volkswagens. As we walk into the talley poles I can see the contest forms and I beg Mamma to be in it(the contest is a dancing contest and Mamma knows that I’m very good at dancing). So its time for the contest and I dance my heart out. I win the contest and the magic man gives me three wishes. As my first wish I wished for a tone of tickets so that I could ride all the rides. Then my second wish was to have the most scrumptious funnel cake. Then my third wish was a waist because the magic man told me to wish for more wishes but I said “No thank you and I wished to come back tomorrow.” I wish I still had those wishes.

I suddenly wake up from my day dream because I was at the end of my trip. I made it to the old well. So I did the procedure and tied the pail onto the horse hair twisted rope. Then I sent it down to get the water.  the pail came back up with a boatload of water is filled in the pail. Then I untie it from the rope. Then I froze in my tracks I saw a deer standing in the thick foggy forest. I turn around and head back to tell Mama all about my journey. Today was quite a magnificent day!

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