Breach (Prologue) | Teen Ink

Breach (Prologue)

May 7, 2015
By Chad_Bowmen BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
Chad_Bowmen BRONZE, Arlington, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I wanna be the very best like no one ever was

The kilpton emperor and his general were doing a routine checkup of the castles defenses when suddenly the leader of kongis contacted them. “I declare galactic war with your planet” the evil leader bellowed “you have sixteen years to prepare your forces but just because I’m feelin generous”. The kilptans, being a peaceful people knew they were doomed so the emperor called to his royal adviser for assistance. “You know we have the serum to enhance the abilities of any living being” said the royal adviser sarcastically
“Do you think I haven’t thought of that” the emperor said “the serum does enhance their abilities but it is too much for our people we need a larger being for it to work”. The emperor called for his three best scouts “I’ve called on you because you are the best of the best” he said “I need you to locate three living being worthy of protecting kilpto I’m entrusting this serum to you and at all costs don’t lose it”
“Sir Yes sir” the scouts said in unison. The scout klip comp and doc all got into separate space crafts and took to space.
Fourteen years later in a galaxy unknown to kilpto, the Milky Way galaxy Chad Bowman was relaxing in his house when his girlfriend Katelynn called “Chad can you come over and help, Alex is being a noob again” she said annoyed
“O.K. I’ll be right over” as he hung up the phone he heard Katelynn yelling at Alex for doing something to her charter. He hoped on his bike and rode to Katelynn’s house where they were playing a first person shooter, Alex getting repeatedly killed. “Hey noobzilla how’s the dyeing going” Chad said opening the door “I’M NOT A NOOB” Alex said
“Were just messing with you Alex” Katelynn and Chad said in unison. Chad pulled the controller out of his bag that he used to play at Katelynn’s house. “So what seems to be the problem here” Chad said even though he knew what was wrong
“This guy keeps giving the other team points because he won’t avoid any attack what so ever” he joined the game saving Alex’s butt far too much which proved he was a noob at games. “I got to go have to get to bed for work tonight”. Chad says walking out

The author's comments:

i have been working on the book for a while now and this is the prolouge


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